Monday, October 1, 2018

"It was an axident, I swear."

Hit the deck, and prepare every needful thing, for this week was none other than a week of splendor. I learned more of Christ's love, got hit with an ax, found like a dollar of change on the ground and much more. Now. Let's get to the good stuff. 

So, if you remember many moons ago, an entire year, in fact, I was companions with none other than my best friend, Elder Stewart. We were such good friends that we never got into a real argument and were always setting each other up. It was so good, we would come up with fake stuff to fight about, just for the sake of it. Well! He lives in a four man apartment that we went to visit on a chilly September evening. We parked in their spot in front of the apartment because they were trolling around Rathdrum. While we were doing what needed be done with the other elders in my district, he comes barging in, yelling all manner of things, such as "Are you kidding me?!"he runs into the room we were in, throws a box on the ground, then fake angrily explains that they pulled into the parking lot to see their spot was taken, so they had to park on the street and pull their bikes all the way over. I was laughing too hard to really fight back, but he eventually finished blowing off his fake fumes and returned to his room with his companion. We hugged it out five minutes later, laughing and messing around. Good times.

The hot water in my apartment is a joke. It lasts for about two minutes. We were asked to go to the church at 8 AM and fill up the font, and I recalled that the church has a shower room where two shower heads spew on you at once with never ending hot water. We slopped our way over to the church in our PJ's to fill up the font and take a shower, when we see that many people are already there? We curiously go inside and we see the building is being cleaned, and it's all by some of my most favorite ward members. We even saw our guy on date for October 20th helping clean! Haha. I was so worried I'd get teased for my Rudolph pajama shirt that I had to throw another shirt on over it. Needless to say, our showering plans were cancelled and we went to another apartment instead to use theirs. It was a grand shower of infinite warm water, but upon finishing, I realized my grave mistake. I had forgotten my towel. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's improvising. I spent the next few minutes just waving my arms up and down and drying myself off. When I was adequate, I searched the drawers and found a hair dryer. Yes, I finished the job with a hair dryer. It was marvelous. At the time of my writing this, my body wash and shampoo are still there, two days later. We've had some bar soap to help me get by. I am excited to ditch that. *shudders*

We had a pretty powerful lesson with one of our new guys last Monday. He's 17 and I like him a lot. I just wanna go play basketball or something with him. But he has been steadily progressing in the gospel. I set Stepan on him to say, "will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone who holds the priesthood authority?" And the guy goes "... will I? .... I will." And I had a hard time not laughing at his response, it was just so different from the typical acceptance, coupled with his facial expression. Well, my guy is on date for October 27th, one week after the one who was cleaning the church.

So, there was I, just trying to get some quality sleep when I was awoken at 12:30 am. I don't know how to really say it other than, the earlier I wake up, the rougher my sleeping will be. A 12:30 wakeup signifies a class 10 major bad night. And I had two in a row. I was actually noticeably going crazy. I was hopped up on energy and ready to rumble. Well, this guy calls us over for some serious service, pulling tree stumps from his land. It took a long time for each stump because of how large they all were. It would take three guys about 45 minutes to get one out of the ground. After several hours of this over the course of two days, I started pacing back and forth. That's kind of how I charge up, and it's usually not a good sign. Once I had called up enough raw power, I grabbed a stump and kinda started speaking in tongues and asserted all of my aggression, causing it to slightly budge. I kept angrily fighting until 10 seconds later, when to everyone's great surprise, I ripped it straight from the ground. But I wasn't done there. "Know ye not that I am able to do mine own work?" I asked the next stump as I evicted it from its spot. Well, understandably so, I quickly became exhausted and had to rest for a bit. While I was resting, I was sitting on a small hill, close to my missionary pals, but far enough to be deemed safe. Unfortunately, the one I was closest to isn't that athletically inclined. When he was axing a tree if it would move, the weapon rebounded off the tree with mighty intensity. He kinda yelped, but it was too late, for my right shin, just below the knee had been struck with an ax. It sure hurt, but I was extremely surprised to see that it actually hadn't cut me. There sure is a bruise, and the internal bleeding made it look like a cut, but I'm just great, actually. The elder felt really bad, so I was like, "it's alright. It was just an axident." I was able to go on exchanges with him to further prove that I was perfectly ok. He was so scared of having given me a serious injury, his soul was racked with eternal torment. He was very relieved to see that I was perfectly ok and continued to make ax jokes the rest of the day. 

That day was a day we exchanged. It was good, miracles happened, the church is true. So anyways, Elder Stepan gets back, and I am just absolutely exhausted as all get out. I fell asleep in my chair around 9:30. He woke me up at 10:40 to go to my bed instead of the chair. When I turned the lights on in the morning, he was curled in a ball on his bed, without a blanket, using his laundry as a pillow. His stuff was left in the car and he didn't want to wake me up so we could get it! Augh, Elder Stepan! Well, he told me that he would wake me up next time these shenanigans occur. 

This email sure is getting long. I have a story of the love of Christ. I'll just have to share it next week. But hey. He loves you a lot! So express your love back to Him by serving others. 

The Axident

See my Rudolph shirt?

When the Sisters plan P-Day

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