Monday, September 24, 2018

Even Better!

What a sweet week just jam packed full of the good stuff. I guess that it can sometimes sound like I'm messing around. Well, I promise that I've been serious in my last few emails, things are incredible right now, and I just had an even better week. That's enough time wasting, let's get down to business... to defeat the huns...

So since I'm the district leader, I've got some power to do sweet stuff, like hold exchanges. Before we got all exchanges up, my man Elder Stewart was getting feisty in the kitchen, so I hurled him a can of corned beef. He got to work, cracking eggs in the pan and being a legend. He threw in 18 eggs (I think) and was getting ready to call it quits. I knew we needed an inflection point to become better, so I suggested more eggs. After the typical "what do you mean?!" Response from him, he submitted and we cracked more. That skillet just loaded with corned beef now had 24 eggs in it! Boyz! We feasted like kings after claiming the spoils of war. 

So there was I, and my man Elder Kriter, just skipping through the streets when a lady getting out of the car calls us over, asking us if we wanted to see something. I was a bit cautious, but we approached and she showed us a canvas drawing of a lion wearing a crown. It was super good! I complimented her and heard her story of how God directed her to paint it. She then learned of my desire I've had for a couple weeks to paint on canvas, so she gave me an old set of paint and a big canvas! I couldn't believe it. She asked me to paint a picture as inspired by the scriptures. Well, it's taken some pondering, but I've got a picture coming! The draft is complete on a paper, so it should be great.

On this exchange, we were also able to revive two former investigators and put a third one on date! Exchanges certainly do bring miracles. Lots of good stuff happened left and write, and like Mormon, I say that not a hundreth part can be recorded. 

We were at our wonderful newest recent converts house the other night. She has become rather excited to do some family history. We've been getting ready and will be going with her to learn more on Tuesday. During the visit, she said something weird, so I replied, "You're a crazy old lady. But, you're a good crazy old lady." She laughed and really just let us know how much she appreciated us. It was very sweet.

So, now it's time to share something I wouldn't normally share. That being said, yes mom, there are just a few things you don't know about my mission. But, I keep these things secret because we as missionaries do not seek for your praise, though it is nice. We spent four hours helping a family with moving, and they were very appreciative. I won't go too much into detail on that. But when we were in an elevator, some other people came in and said "wow, you've got an army of missionaries helping you! We should do that! But after you share a message with us, then we will share a message with you." And then they walked off. My introverted nature kept me silent, but I was truly bothered. And so, the reason I tell you this! We do service every week. When we do service, that is all it is. We are going about, doing good, in place of Christ. We turn down the money which is offered and most of the rest of the stuff, besides an occasional meal. We don't serve just to get people to listen to us. We serve because we are authorized representatives of Jesus Christ and we've been sent to our area to do as he did and would do if he were here right now. 

The very last thing for email. After some serious study and pondering, I came to a conclusion I needed to be better. I'm human and I make mistakes. After a mistake, I still found that I had all the help I needed to organize something. I asked God in a prayer why He helped me. I was just overcome with an intense feeling of love. I'm really starting to understand His love for us. He doesn't condone us to do silly things, but He will love us and help us every step of the way back. And so I share my testimony with you today, that Jesus Christ does live, and He loves you so much. He suffered everything for you and me. He will look after us, and when we turn to Him and keep Him in our hearts, we will be guided in all things what we should do. I seal my words in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Upon the rock of Life


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