Monday, October 22, 2018

The Bug Battlefield Continues

This week had many good things, and so to all 5 of you who read my emails, I won't waste any further time. Let's get down to business. 

So this lady calls us up one day, saying that a legion of pigs had escaped their pens and she needed help catching them and returning them back. We slop our way down the boons and pull into a farm which smelled like the days when I worked at HeeHaws farm. Instantly, two geese flare their wings and start to hiss. Elder Herem got scared and started to run, which caused them to engage. I quickly intervened and spread my wings and chased them back to the depths. Little would I know that for the rest of the day, they would cause us grief. 

So we get down to business, looking around for these greasy sons of guns. I couldn't help but feel like the legendary hero Link, trapped in a sidequest to get a piece of heart or something. They are pretty cheeky buggers, but with some teamwork we caught the first pig in minutes. We then fell into a dryspell for a while. Eventually, we couldn't find any until we perused past the horse pen. The pigs had retreated there, hiding amongst the horses and llamas. Me and my boi Elder Thorne climbed into the arena. We just stroll like no man's business across town when he speaks up, "Elder Ruth, stop!" I freeze and he points. "That llama is staring at you. If it drops it's ears, it's going to kill you." I cautiously escaped its line of sight and we continued onward, herding the pigs to a corner. They all bolted for a small hole in the fence, but there were too many of them, so we snatched up another pig, ending our bad luck. At one point, I was on my hands and knees, and one of those geese comes up behind me and tries to attack. I lightly kicked it's face away, but it came back for more, so I headshotted it with a pebble and then chased it away. I guess there isn't too much more heroic stories in the pig catching, but we ended up catching about 17 pigs, got intimidated by a Llamas death stare multiple times, started a stampede in the horse pen and I caught a pig in a sweet dive. I only bled from two places.

We were all busied up in our weekly planning session when I strongly felt that we needed to go outside and visit some lady. We go to the address and it's a trailer park! We didn't have the trailer number. We walked around and I was able to sense which home was hers. We knocked a couple times and she wouldn't come. Just in case, we walked around and I scouted one other potential trailer. No one answered that one either. We returned to number one and knocked again, no cigar. I figured we should just leave, but Elder Herem felt very strongly we should return to number two. Since we had already knocked three times on it, I said to him "ok, I'm only letting you knock it this once, so make it count." He kinda sighed to himself and started to pump himself up. I thought it was kinda weird but didn't complain. Well, my wonderful companion warms up and administers a falcon punch to the door! I was so shocked I kind of just froze. Some old lady shouts, "who is it??" And we shyly say that it was the missionaries. "Not at this time of night!" She cries back at 8:20 pm. We called it good and returned back to our weekly planning.

So, if you remember the bug battlefield from last year, raise your hand! I still don't know what these guys are, but they are tiny blue bugs with white fuzz, and they spawn in extremely large units. Last year, I was probably level 6 or 7 when I first faced them, and so I didn't stand much chance, even with my trainer at my side. Well, as you may have noticed, your boi Elder Ruth has leveled up significantly since that encounter. I'm a level 76 warrior now! We went to ride our bikes one day and 20 legions of these bugs appeared out of nowhere. I ducked my head to block them out and rode my stallion straight though the heart of the battle, instantly slaying unheard of amounts of grunts. Left and right they fell, screaming at the loss of their precious brethren. After riding through several streets, we had finally made it to a clearing, where we halted to search for any injuries. Though I was coated with the bodies of an exceedingly many fallen soldiers, I hadn't sustained a single injury. My wonderful companion on the other hand... was coughing from swallowing some, had them all over his face and hair, and just all around got wrecked. His health bar must've dropped to 2 hp.

I decided that we find ourselves currently in need of more people to teach. I really pumped myself up on Saturday night and committed on Sunday to do my best. Sunday rolls around and I was super tired and basically dying, but I already committed, and Elder Herem agreed. We slithered out our apartment door and went from 1:30 to 5:45 just doing straight contacting and tracting. How wonderful were the results of our work. The very first house we knocked was an inactive member with a daughter who he would like to have us teach. He was grateful we found him in the depths of a trailer park. The one was someone in a no soliciting area. Since he had been seen in the past, it was acceptable. We kind of picked him right back up after he told us all about black ops 2, Zelda, and something else. His wife is a less active member and they just had a baby, and so now is the perfect time! Then we shake n bake our way through the empty streets and get invited into the home of a 20 year old brother who loves video games. We had a lot of that yesterday, not gonna lie... But we had a great conversation and hung out with him for a bit and picked him up too! He's pretty excited, actually. Well, we prod down the streets some more and find a former investigator! Well. He has developed Alzheimer's, so we can't really teach him.. But we could at least update the record so future missionaries know. Then, we were headed one direction when I spied a dog in the tall grass, and he was happy. I was eager to show my trainee my unexplainable power over dogs, so I approached and it angrily burst forth. I struck a power pose and it froze. I then made a gesture as if to say "come at me, bro, and it worriedly ran backwards a few feet. Right as I was about to raise my arm to rebuke the dog, it's owner yells at it from several houses down, so we shyly turned away and went the other direction. Straight into the grasp of a less active member who would love for us to teach her 10 year old daughter! Wow! I was a bit doubtful about what I had heard the Mission President say, but the field here truly is white and ready to harvest! And this was all in one day of work. What a great day. 

That's about what I have to say this time around. It was an overall great week. Good things are happening here in Deer Park. Also, I've only seen like three deer. I feel like I've been lied to. 

Behold, the BUGS.

You wanna do this, too


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