Monday, October 8, 2018

No One Knew How To Pronounce Coeur d'Alene Anyway

Golly mister, what a week! We start off with the sad news for Elder Ruth. I will be transferred back to Washington to Colville. Be not deceived, it's pronounced Callville. No one up here pronounces anything right. I will be leaving my first trainee. The very one who will start beatboxing and then clap for himself while using the bathroom. You will be missed Elder Stepan! I will be training another new Elder, so that's cool. It's a sad exodus, but good things are ahead! I'm dropping my old set of problems and picking up a new set of problems from other missionaries! Whoo

So, at our last zone conference, our president left halfway through and went tracting. He found a new person to teach for our other elders in my district. Well, she had some bad experience and dropped them. So sad:( We went on exchanges and we had the option to try and visit her. The other elder was hesitant, but I went in with my normal "why not" attitude and we slopped onto her front door. She was somewhat hesitant, but the spirit softened her right up and we plopped ourselves right onto her couch. One hour later, we had just revived a daughter of God! To top it off, we invited her to watch conference, so she turned it on to BYUTV and there was President Nelson, just dropping the fierce doctrine. Then the choir starts singing and there is my sister. This lady was so touched. Then all four of us slithered our way over the next day and watched both sessions because she had recorded them. I laughed when she said "these men just make you want to be a Mormon!" We explained that they are apostles, just like Peter, James and John. She loved the rebuke President Nelson gave her later on with the nicknames. It felt great to revive someone who had serious doubts the day before. 

Anyways, the exchanges I got to do this week were fantastic. One of the other elders was struggling a whole lot, and while we were together, something clicked and he fixed himself right up. He's doing a lot better now! And we found them a new investigator and things were just great. Plus, they live in a 4 man with my trainer. One of the highlights was when it was like 10:40. His bed is kind of a bunkbed so he can reach all of us. I've seen him on multiple occasions wail on a disobedient elder below him. Anyways, I said a phrase which has annoyed him for the entire time I've known him, so he rolls over and starts wailing on me from above. He got two and a half punches on me before I rolled out of bed. I then smote his face with a pillow and we called a truce. It surely was an entertaining exchange.

So, one day, I decided that I had enough time to make myself a quality lunch. We don't normally have time for good food, but when you add lunch onto the 1 hour language study, you have more than enough. I cooked up the chicken real good. I opened the fridge to search for something else when my eyeball grazed a basket just loaded with eggs. My hands crawled into the basket and obtained two eggs, cracking them and dropping them into the pan. Then I ate three Oreos. Well, upon looking at the eggs, I decided that this simply wasn't enough. I cracked two more and slopped them to the depths, then had three more oreos. This still just wasn't an acceptable amount. I excitedly grabbed three more eggs and then started stirring them up. I ate even more oreos in glee. I poured the sauce into the goods and then got to work on the rest of the meal. I was making some rice when I recalled that a pressure cooker lied in wait in the darkest corner of my cabinet. I hadn't used one ever before, but I had heard legends of their mystical powers, possessing the qualities to make 20 minute rice in 4 minutes and a roast beef in 30. I hadn't ever used or seen one get used, but it seemed simple enough. I threw in the goods and tightened the lid, casually snacking on the oreos which my companion should not have left on the counter. I was pleased to hear the boiling in the pot which had started far quicker than I had anticipated. I bounced around in excitement while Elder Stepan remained in the bathroom. Even more oreos were pounded. A dark feeling then pulsed throughout my body. Something wasn't right. That pressure cooker was making a noise which I hadn't anticipated. I stopped eating mid bite and watched in curiosity as it began to vibrate. I fell into a stupor as it bounced around the burner. Everything was fun and games until a cloud blocked the sun, darkening the room. The pressure cooker screamed like a banshee, sending me into a panic mode. I paced back and forth in the kitchen, knowing each moment wasted would increase the danger the world was in. I nervously approached the oven with my arm covering my eyes in case the cooker exploded. I grabbed the handle and attempted to twist the lid off to release the pressure and the evil spirits within. It's a trap! The lid wouldn't come off! I panicked and started full out sprinting back and forth, unable to decide what to do. I was about to rip off an attachment on the cooker, but was rebuked by the spirit. I grabbed an oven mitt first and then yanked it off. The screams of one thousand dead men shrieked out, followed by flaming vapor straight from the depths of tartarus.  I didn't grab no shoes or nothing, I ran for my life! I then remembered that my chicken and eggs were still left defenseless on the stove. I led a freedom run back into the kitchen and ripped those left behind soldiers from their post. The howling and gnashing of teeth continued from the kitchen for another few minutes before it settled, unlike my heart rate. I cautiously approached and finished the job. Was my rice cooked? Yes. Was it worth the heart attack. Yes. And all of this happened as my son dwelt in a bathroom. 

So anyways, it was just a radical week. I've started to really find that doing the right thing brings happiness. Not that I was committing some major sin all of the time, but I believe committing many tiny sins led me to be unhappy and depressed. After a special emphasis to do everything right that I can and to avoid all of the bad stuff, I've come to be much more cheerful. Things are awesome. I may not be a district leader any longer, but they say being a district leader makes you lose sleep. I'll get my sleep back now! I'm not in an area I'm familiar with, but now I can perform miracles in a new place and help people find the true church of Jesus Christ. None of this ever was easy, but my constant struggles have forced me to rely on Christ. My sleep results came back and they can't tell me what's wrong with me. We got a thyroid test then and that didn't show anything either. At least I know I can depend on my older brother to bare me up when I can't go on. I'm no more tired than He was when He suffered the sins of the world. He will help me. And He can help us all. Here's my testimony. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and God will support His children. I seal this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen, men!

Farewell CDA group!

Climbed to the top!

Santa already?

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