Monday, October 15, 2018

Elder Ruth's Exodus

The windows of heaven have opened and poured out a blessing that there isn't room enough to receive it! So, I've been decepted, I'm not actually in Colville, I'm in a city called Deer Park. If you have served around me, you would know my obsession with a certain car. You should've seen my face when I was handed the keys to a shiny new silver Rav4! I couldn't believe it, I was absolutely ecstatic! What a beautiful machine. I got to drive one the first transfer of my mission and then had to give it to my sister missionaries. If I didn't like them a lot, it would've been a lot harder. 

Anyways, we slop our way across the border into the weed infested state of "Warshington". After a whole lot of driving through fields and mountains and crap, we found our way into the most luxurious apartment any missionary has ever had! It's brand new! Not only that, but the mattresses are also brand new. It's actually clean, nothing is broken, we've got warm water showers for days, a washer and dryer, and a fridge loaded with the goods! I couldn't believe it, we were set up with the best apartment and the best car. Not only all this glory, but it's a four man apartment, and one of my best mission friends, Elder Thorne is here! 

It was all fun and games until it was time to go outside. Not only did we not know the boundaries of our area, we didn't even know who the people being worked with were or any phone numbers or have access to the area book or anything. I looked at my trainee, sighed, smirked, and we dashed our way outside of our apartment into the world. Not like it was handed to us, but I am a firm believer in greenie magic. We got to work, bothering weirdos and spreading the good news. In just that day, we set two teaching appointments, street contacted the few people who even go outside and set a time to do some service for a disabled elderly woman. I had to just smile at my new companion, Elder Herem's enthusiasm. At one point, we saw an old man sitting on the sidewalk and Elder Herem said "I wonder what that guy is doing?" And so I said, "why don't you ask him?" Elder Herem was so surprised and excited he went straight for it. He's such a pure guy, I like him. You should've seen how excited he was when he saw a wild squirrel, and then a family of quail. 

Our first dinner appointment was legendary. We were set up by an incredible family from Cambodia. I loved them instantly. The food was outstanding, the family was fun, things were awesome. It was then that they brought out two pieces of chicken, just doused in a sauce known as bomb sauce. It is something that they have all missionaries try, just for their entertainment. That being said, it is very very hot, derived from habeneros and a few other fun things ;) little did they know, Elder Ruth has built up an insane tolerance for the flames of olde. My companion on the other hand wasn't so lucky. Within seconds, his eyes were wide and he was making noises of extreme discomfort. His face turned red and his cheeks were moist with sweat. He panicked, looking back and forth for some relief. He was eventually allowed some milk to help quench the fire. He then asked to see the sauce. After handling the bottle, he rubbed his eye, setting the pain of a thousand souls upon himself! He panicked and I ordered that man straight to the sink to wash his eye out! But first to wash his hands. Ha, his first day was insane!

We were aware that there were notes about the area in an old place known as the missionary mansion. We weren't able to slither our way down until Sunday, at 8 pm. It's kind of like a barn which was somewhat converted into a home. It's where we would have lived if we didn't get this new apartment. It was ghetto as all get out. However, it had a fridge just loaded with the goods. We excitedly raided all of the good stuff, then rummaged around the rest of the barn. We found the notes, some more useful things, and even a quarter. (YES!!!) However, since we had been on the grind so consistently, the notes almost didn't matter, for we had discovered almost all of the contents on our own. It is still nice to finally have those bad boys for reference. 

Before I left my wonderful home in Coeur d' Alene, we hiked a stupid mountain known as Canfield Mountain. We decided to kind of speed walk up that son of a gun and then run straight down. It was scary, and I almost died on multiple occasions, but we made it. My legs weren't so lucky. I finally finished being sore after 6 days of pain. Anyways, my wonderful man who has the extreme memory problems passed his baptism interview the day before I left. He is getting baptized this Saturday and he is absolutely thrilled! I've been granted permission to return to Coeur d'Alene to support him if I can get a ride. #PrayForRuth

So that just about sums things up! We're having a great time in this ghost town. We may be in the depths of the boons, but we're with two more of my friends, and things are already happening as a result of our faith! And greenie magic. Lots of that. 

The gospel is booo-tiful

Mosiah 24:5 And they were a people friendly with another

Right On

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