Monday, October 29, 2018

I Got My Stuff Together, But Forgot Where I Put It

I realized this week that we are kind of living in the movie "The Sorcerers Apprentice". I'm Balthazar, the mighty wizard who is pretty good at magic and stuff. Elder Herem is Dave, the awkward but happy guy who tries his darndest. It is super funny to watch him and then hear his noise of awkwardness as weird things ensue, and then his awkward cheer of success. If I can change the story just a bit, though, Dave is desperately trying to escape the ladies which persistently email him and Balthazar is still waiting. 

So anyways, there was a man in Coeur d' Alene who went by the name "Popps", and he was a heavy smoker, so he had a smoker voice. He thought it was funny, so every time I saw him, I would say "Ey, Popps." In a smoker voice. I've kinda kept the voice and will use it every now and then upon stumbling on a cigarette. Elder Thorne picked it up rather quickly and we would make fake arguments with each other. I've taken on the name Popps, and I have a vicious ex wife named Tammy. Last night, (and I emphasize this was all just a fun tassle) I just got into bed like every thing was fine until I heard a smoker underneath me, saying "I still love you." So we got into a big fight and a lot of "Shut ups!" Ensued, coupled with desires for annulments and so on. Then, Elder Herem comes out of nowhere, taking on the name "Leo-nard." The fight escalated until I said, "that's it, I've had enough!" And leaned over my bed to start punching Elder Thorne. It was fun and games until I nearly fell off the bunk bed. My faithful foot caught the edge of my bed at the last second. Oh boy, I love being in a four man apartment. 

So there we were, just slopping our way through the city streets when we come across a person and her daughter we had wanted to meet with. We were warmly invited over and we set a date and time to come and share a message. The little five year old brother decided that now would be the opportune time to rear his face. He starts spraying the hose everywhere and attacking and causing all manner of contention. At one point, he obtained a stick and threw it in the air. He kept this up despite his mother's wishes to stop. One of his fateful throws into the air was about to land on his mother, so I leapt into action, smiting the stick out of the air. "Not in my house!" Unfortunately for this boy, my arm followed through and I decked him right in the eye. I felt bad, for sure, but it was also pretty funny! The mom told him it was his fault, and we eventually came back and had a fantastic lesson! It was a great time for sure. I love teaching the young kids. 

The stove in our kitchen is a little new fangled for us old folk. I decided to be a pal and cook up some pigs in blanket for the apartment. I know of a surety that their blood is not on my hands. I watched an unnamed person attempt to set a timer on the stove. A couple minutes before they were supposed to be ready, smoke was filling the apartment. I opened the stove in disbelief. My dogs were blackened with malice! So sad :(

We get the opportunity to do lots of service around here. My favorite one by far is going to a farm and helping with the animals. Three pigs had escaped, so we pranced right in and caught one within the first minute. We used team work on the next pig and caught it shortly after. Don't ask me how, but I somehow singlehandedly caught the last one. We then got to feed them. I felt so happy feeding a cow. I don't know why, but I have always loved being with the animals. We got a picture of me feeding it with a true smile which has inspired me to start up a new thing. You'll see it if you are friends with me on Facebook, but I'll attempt to post a picture every week about one thing which brings me joy up until around Christmas. Things are just good, you know?

We had a neat day yesterday doing some serious work. I wanted Elder Herem to get some experience talking with people, but I didn't want him to get some heavy rejections this early on, so I would knock on the doors of strangers and get slammed on, and I allowed him to knock the doors of established people. I brought him to one door and I made him think we didn't know who it was. The woman was super nice and she was actually willing to have us teach her and their family. He even gave them a Book of Mormon. I was in awe at the very end when we obtained her name. This wasn't someone who had met with us in the past. It was a semi new move in, and Elder Herem helped us pick up a family! He sure does make me proud. He will be better when he reaches 14 months than I am currently. Keep up the good work, my son! 

In our missionary work, we rarely get off without just absolutely weird situations. We knocked on a members door who took us by the hand and almost dragged us to her neighbors clear up the street because she walked so fast. The little boys answer the door and she kinda just barges right in, still dragging us. I felt so weird, being put right into my spot on a foreign couch. We were then instructed to teach. I briefly told the boys that God loves them and their families can be together forever, and that we had to go because their parents weren't home. So, I mean, the boys were somewhat interested, but I feel like we witnessed some crime or something! I plead my innocence, we were dragged. 

That's what I've got to share for this week. It's getting colder for sure, and that sun is ditching quicker and quicker. I guess we better just "let our light so shine"! Great things are happening, I'm going crazy because of how good Lexi Walker is at singing, how good Elder Herem is becoming, and how little sleep I'm getting. It's the best. I love it.

Right on!

Llama from last week

Us Elders

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