Monday, July 2, 2018

Members to the Rescue

This week didn't have anything too spectacular in terms of missionary work, but there was some good stuff going on. We had around 15 lessons we taught and we spent 7 hours doing service for investigators, such as weeding and moving and stuff.

One of my favorite guys is getting baptized later this day. It happens at 7 pm, and it takes an hour to get to the baptism place. I am so excited in more ways than one. If you don't know why, ask any missionary, and mention that it's P day;) Anyways, this kid is the one who I taught all of the video game lessons to. It was such a fun experience teaching him in this way. He had had many missionaries before then, but we were the only ones who could teach in a way he understood. It is so exciting for him to be baptized. What makes it cooler is that its taking place at a waterfall! What makes it the best is the water is freezing, and I'm not the one baptizing him, his uncle is! Yes! 

We taught some good lessons to the guy who is having memory issues. We even got to take him to a bbq. He is so grateful for us helping him be saved, he is always asking if he can help us in any way. At the bbq, he got to sweep off the deck. He was glowing with pride when he finished his job. It's great working with him.

Last Monday evening, I wanted to bust out the bikes. I threw my music on in my phone and we set out to ride across town. Halfway there and my bike tire decides it would be a great time to go flat, and the pump wouldn't fix it. Dang. We stopped and I told my companion the conundrum, and seconds later, a member saw us and pulled over. Our bikes were thrown in the back and we got a ride back to the apartment where we ditched the bikes and drove the car instead. 

Another member to the rescue was when I wanted us to go to a particular restaurant. Everyone ruled against me and so we headed out to Mongolian bbq instead. As much as I love that place, it was a lot more expensive. When we headed out, we were informed we were anonymously paid for. Yes!! 

So anyways, lately when I get bummed, I've been turning to 2nd Nephi 4. He says that he is sad because of the sins that so easily beset him. I couldn't believe it when I was reading in Alma 7 later and Alma used the exact same words and told how to make things better. I was so grateful at the time. By the way, Alma is so sweet. 

That'll do for this week. Goodbye Everyone! 

Busted Tire

Dinner with an Investigator

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