Monday, July 23, 2018

Take It Easy, Boys

Well, another week in Coeur d' Alene and things are finally starting to catch fire. We just go outside and there's smoke everywhere. I love it. 

So anyways, we weren't supposed to work in 2nd ward last transfer, but now it is ours. We've only dedicated one day to it so far, but good things are happening already. We first tracted into a less active member who hasn't been in 6 months because of a divorce and some other crap. She really just needed company and help. So we talked with her for a little while, got her to accept some ministering sisters, and then asked if there was anything else. She was extremely doubtful of us, but asked if perhaps we knew a guy who does sprinklers. I know a guy, for I am the guy. I asked her to show us what had happened. Her son ran over one with the lawn mower. (which I've done multiple times. Sorry dad!) I just assessed the damage and told her it's far easier than she thought. I was prepared to dig a trench and cut the pipe and redo it like I had learned in the past. You should've seen her eyes when I simply unscrewed it from the ground, handed it to her, then told her a few dollars at Home Depot and then she'll be set, and she could screw it back in herself. That's our neat little experience of gaining some sweet member trust. 

We've been working with a pretty crazy old lady I've grown fond of. She's just always telling these weird stories and laughing. This week, for the first time in a while, I got to extend the baptismal invitation to her. We now have a wonderful lady getting baptized September first. She is pretty excited.

We've got some sister missionaries who took over 3rd ward, taking more than half of our investigators with them. So sad. But we've been going to each appointment they've had so far in order to pass off the investigators. I was rather surprised Saturday morning when we were doing service for one of my "grandmas". I just rip this tree straight out of the ground, so I look over at the sisters and her on her porch for approval, and what do I see? They are holding hands and crying together! What?? Sister missionaries are so different from us, and I think it's fantastic. I'm sure this lady will be baptized real soon. It was our intent to put her on date in our next lesson, which happened to be this one the sisters robbed us of. So anyways. 

My companion is a pretty touchy dude, and if you know me, you'll know I do not like dudes touching me. One day, he was getting really desperate to make me hug him, but I was a little too busy doing something else. He straight took a can of Old Spice, sprayed the fumes and then lit them with a lighter. I wasn't expected to be attacked by a flame thrower at 9:45 PM! I didn't even know what to do. I whipped out my trusty rungu, seared it through the flames and knocked the can right out of that man's hand. That's the story of how I'm confused about how I still have hair on my hand. 

That's about it for the good stuff this week. I miss my old friends who have been transferred away. I've kinda been here since February. But things are going ok, we are gradually making new friends. I'm excited to have missionaries back here in Coeur d'Alene. The city is no longer ours. Except they live in Plummer because they go to move into their apartment and its got black mold in it. 

Anyways, the church is true and if you've got the faith you can do some pretty sweet miracles. I just can't seem to stress that enough. It sometimes doesn't seem like it is true, but it totally is. I've got plenty of miracles and confirmations that it is. So. Talk to you guys next week! --unless you are one of those blesses souls who emails me on Mondays. I like you blessed souls a lot.

Read This Book!

For the Beauty of the Earth
A treasure find

It's Elder Stewart!  My first companion in the field.  He is now the Zone Leader

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