Monday, July 9, 2018


This was a good ol week for me! We got to have one of our guys baptized this week with his sister! It was at a pond out in the middle of nowhere. It was terrifying cold, so I wasn't too sad I wasn't the one to do it. This is the kid I taught all the video game lessons to. It was so good to finally see it happen. Afterwords, his dad whipped out his pistols and started shooting off some celebration shots at the torches. It was an unconventional baptism for sure! Whoo!

Time for the fabled story time with Elder Ruth:

A bead of sweat ran down my brow. It was the thick of day and only one place offered shade from the blazing sun. Several wasps angrily guarded the entrance to a garage, threatening to send an army. I took up my weapon, a wooden broom, and approached the battle ground. Immediately, a sentinel raced out to battle. One slash later and it was laying on the ground. Two more warriors fluttered out to me and were visited with death.

"Its too dangerous." Elder Glidewell cried as he hid in the bush.
"Maybe, but they that be with us are greater than they that be with them." I uttered through my clenched teeth. The two most important days in a man's life is the day he was born and the day he finds out why.

I let my a cry and rushed the last few feet, then slammed my broom straight into the motherland. Instantly, the sky was darkened with millions of wasps, angrily searching for my blood. Hordes were slapped left and right until the started to overpower me. I smacked one off my shirt before it administered it's poison.

"Holy Crap!" I cried as I retreated. The angels on my team were not doing their jobs. Once I was far enough away, I observed the miserable scene which lied before me.The front door of home opened up, revealing an amused old woman. "I can not believe you missionary would swear!"
"Huh? I panted. "I didn't swear."
"You said holy crap!"
"Yeah? So did you." I pointed out. She returned to her air conditioned apartment.

So anyways, there's a lot of good stuff going on in Coeur d' Alene. I got to perform my piano song in sacrament meeting in both wards. We attracted 7 investigators to church! Wow! It was very great to see the people we've been working with finally come for the first time. 
I got to go on exchanges with a new missionary earlier. It was a lot of fun being with someone as new as him. It reminded me of myself back then. It is so cool to see how far I've come. It was inspirational for him because he can see that I used to be just like him. I told him that some day he would be even better than he could ever imagine. The future is bright! Just like the field which is ready to harvest. Good thing I just bought a sweet knife! 

I had a new friend email me this week, so I just wanted to say, thank you to everyone who offers me support. I appreciate all of you who do so :)

Transfers are coming up. I really hope I can stay in Coeur d' Alene even longer. We have three more investigators who are ready to be baptized. If I stay, I will witness two sets of investigators getting married! That is one of my biggest hopes now. It'll be an incredible time and it might even have free cake. You know I'm all about that free cake. 

And if you were wondering, 4th of July was just a normal day for us. We still went out and worked hard. I even got sunburned weeding this old ladies garden. So that about sums up what I remember, since I don't have my journal on me ;) see you guys later!


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