Monday, July 16, 2018

Spokane, Washington? Nah, Coeur d'Alene

Man alive, transfers came and I am still here in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I am also still with Elder Glidewell. I was seriously hoping for the opportunity to train. Oh well. I guess I'll be fine with my companion who is a lot too touchy for me. 

So we had some serious teaching going on this week in the heat. We're talking 90 degrees out in the blazing sun, and let me tell you, I love it. I'll take it over 40 degrees any day. Being cold is one of my greatest pet peeves, so. Yup. We're working hard, beating the heat and carrying on the Lord's work. One guy wanted us to ride bikes out to the lake for a bible study. He cancelled because it was too hot, so me and my man Elder Thorne (because of exchanges) hit the ground on our bikes for two hours. We were able to teach around 20 lessons.

We had a sweet ward party with lots of food and games. I was thrilled to see some of the people we hope to work with. There was a Swedish lady there that we taught many moons ago. We were just trying to have fun and socialize with her until she roped us into a game of cubb (kubb?) Against like 5 kids who knew what they were doing. It's a lawn game where 5 wooden blocks are set up like 20 yards away from you, and you and your partner have 6 wood rods to throw. You have to hit their blocks down and then hit the king block between you and them. I imagined it like throwing knives. With that mentality, Elder Thorne let me down and I hit down all 5 blocks. They told me that since we were winning so badly, I had the hike the last throw at the king like a football. First try, boys. First try.

On one particular day, I was just too hungry to be a missionary, but we were in luck since it was lunch time. I was going to just eat five eggs, but I was determined to get a double yolker. That's the story of how I cooked up 8 eggs for myself, and then leveled up because I ate all 8. 

One evening, we were called over to the hospital to give a blessing. This is a common thing, so I didn't think much of it. The kid just had a real sore throat and the parents wanted to give a blessing. We got there and had to wait for a while because they already whisked him away for surgery. The doctors came after an hour saying that they have to drain an abscess from his neck and remove a tonsil in the process. While we waited for that, we received a call to to give a blessing to a different person! 

A while later, the doctor was like, "everything is fine, but..." and whisked the parents away to talk privately. I was becoming increasingly nervous. We found out that they took the boy's tonsil for nothing and they didn't know what was wrong with him. They came back 30 minutes later saying that both of his kidneys stopped working all together and he was stuck on breathing tubes. 5 minutes later and the news came that he would be life flighted to Spokane. Some nurse spoke up, telling the hesitant doctor that it was vital for the boy to get the blessing. They nervously brought us and his parents over into the top secret rooms and wheeled the unconscious boy into the hall way, telling us that no matter what, in 5 minutes, they are putting him on the helicopter. I was becoming even more scared.  Elder Glidewell anointed and then it was up to me and the Lord. They took the kids hat off and everyone anxiously watched me as I laid my hands on this kid. I know that was not of me, and afterwords is a testament to me that God manifested His power. I watched him fly away in his helicopter, and that was the end of it. I later found out a few days later that his condition improved in an unheard of way and he was no longer in need of the critical care (or whatever is the highest one, I don't remember what). 

So that was the most incredible thing I have been a part of as a missionary. I was scared and nervous, but as I acted in faith, God took care of the rest. I am so glad to have been a part of this miracle.

Those bees from last week were in serious trouble. An old lady walked out of the house and started to leave out the garage. We screamed in desperation for her to halt, but she wouldn't listen and was stung on the eyelid. In her wrath, she obtained wasp spray and handed it to a sister missionary. I took it from her because of her allergies and prepared to put an end to the secret combinations. It was like Star Wars. I sprayed and sprayed and they started to attack in fury. "Stay on target, stay on target!" The spray was attacking my eyes and some bees were charging in a final kamikaze. "Great shot kid, that was one in a million!" I cried in success as the last of the foaming death was administered. The last of the followers of gadianton were destroyed in defense of our wives, our lives and our freedom. *note* I said bees, but I mean wasps.

A member came to us at a very fancy restaurant where we went just to get ice cream. He owns a multi-million dollar home on the lake. He came to all 10 of us, told us to order as much food as possible and eat everything, barf, and eat more. Therefore I got a 35 dollar steak and an 8 dollar ice cream and a 10 dollar shake. He got the total bill for every one and was disappointed in us because it wasn't expensive enough. But he left a tab open for us to get whatever. We were so grateful!  

That's enough of the good stuff for this week. 

At the picnic

Pitbulls love me!

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