Monday, June 25, 2018

Yeah, But I Don't Fear Man

This was an even better week than usual. We've had lots of opportunities for service and teaching and all kinds of wonderful things.

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to ride our bikes! I love riding bikes. I don't get to very often. We rode over to a guys house and dug him up a good flower bed. We also went with him to the dump, got yelled at by some workers (and it wasn't our fault) and trimmed up a tree real good. I was pulling on a rope to keep the tree from landing on the fence. It worked! It landed on my head instead. I was scared for a short while, but there wasn't any blood. I also used my lifeguard training to do some tests. I never got a head ache, I never went numb, and my pupils dilated like they should when introduced to light, so I was fine. Thanks, legions of guardian angels.

We helped two different families move this week. One of them had a sword that I got to play with for a moment. The other one wasn't ready at all, and it was a whole lot of waiting. However, she really grateful that we could help because we were all she had. So that was good.

We were called to hospital twice to go give a blessing. On our way out from one of them, we ran into a guy who asked with us to come with him to help give his dad a blessing. We weren't able to get near his room for about 20 minutes because someone else was dying. When we finally got near, a nurse yelled at us to stop because she recently got punched pretty hard by him. The guy was going crazy and it took 12 men to hold him down. She refused to let us go in there to give a blessing. Oh well. 

We have a great investigator who is 14. I like going over to see him, especially since he knows parkour. His mom is a less active member who wants to return. When we visited, his grandma was there who used to be a member. She is now heavily against the church and searched up all the anti material that she could. She yelled at us for like 30 minutes and wouldn't let us utter more than two words. It was quite the experience and I was shaking. A member came with us who also had no luck saying anything to her. It was a miserable experience and I didn't want to go see her ever again. The grandma was yelling at us saying that she didn't believe we had to go and said we were just scared because she proved us wrong. We just took the mom and went outside, bore testimony of the truth of the church, then set up an appointment for tomorrow. When we drove past, grandma was outside, seemingly waiting for us. We drove past and then around the block, wanting to go home. Neither of us wanted to speak with her again. It was then when I decided we needed to pray. After a prayer, I told my companion that "I may be nervous to see her again, Yeah, but I don't fear man, I fear God." And we put on our big boy pants and marched straight over. We parked that car, knocked on that door, and out leaves grandma. We were able to teach an incredible lesson and gave him a soft baptismal invite. We were blessed after the trial of our faith, and it felt good to know we have God and His angels on our side.

My favorite investigator has some really big memory problems, but we have promised him that if he reads from the Book of Mormon, his memory will start to return. I promise each and every one of you, the power of the book is real, for this man is legitimate recovering his memory. It's slow but sure. He amazes me every day. In one of our lessons, we had the privilege to extend him the baptismal date of August 25th. He may not remember super well, but the next day when we saw him, he told us just how excited he was for that day. 

That's about all of the crazy stuff that happened to us this week. It was a great one, and I am so glad that the temperature is now averaging around 80 degrees. 
Let's keep it up, Mr Sun! 
I love riding my bike!

Have you seen my videos I've posted on Facebook?

Helping in the yard

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