Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What a Relief

The Wine Lady was baptized on Tuesday! I was super grateful because of it, but after being baptized, she never came back out to finish the program. We were then unable to contact her for the next few days. We finally saw her on Friday and confirmed plans with her, and she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! She received the Holy Ghost and was just beaming. It was so pleasing to see a child of God return home. She was already so close, all we had to do was to point her in the right direction. By the way, I'd like everyone to know that I only call her the Wine Lady for privacy purposes. I'd much rather say her real name, but these emails go onto a blog, so I'd like to remain a bit discreet with investigators.

I got to see some wild turkeys for the second time this week. It is so odd to me that this coveted Thanksgiving dinner is just casually walking the streets in packs. I had to stop and get a picture. These computers don't take SD Cards, so I will include some next time!

I am not sure why, but my cough was getting really bad in the night of Christmas Eve. I decided that I would be really nice to myself and give myself an early Christmas gift, Delsym! I then didn't cough for the rest of the evening. It was so good to be free for a little while.

I no longer have Elder Stewart as my companion. My new companion is Elder Carson, and I am staying here in this same area. He is a pretty neat guy, and there is a lot that I can learn from him. He has been out for almost a year, and so he is pretty smart. He isn't too talkative, but I enjoy being around him and showing him around to all this new stuff. He is actually a district leader, and so he will soon be taking over. 

I enjoyed this Christmas a bit more than usual, because I spent much of it pondering about Jesus Christ and the things that he has done for me and you. It was a little bit hard to find time, but I was able to take a short while and think about His amazing sacrifice. I suppose you could say that I "Stand All Amazed" at the things He has done. The thing I love is that we have the ability to choose if we want to follow Him. If we are sincerely trying to do what we can, then He will take care of us, even if we mess up frequently. He loves all of us, and He personally suffered for our pains and afflictions. He doesn't want a single one of us to end up in the Telestial Kingdom. Please always keep Him in your heart and think to yourself, "What can I do in order to help Jesus Christ." If you have this mentality, you will be very well off.

I hope you all keep Christ in your hearts, even though Christmas has passed. Have a good week everyone!

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