Tuesday, December 19, 2017


We had to go to a library today to email. They don't have an SD card thing, so I can't share my pictures. I am really bummed :( I also just don't have time to email. I'll try and speed my way through. We are going to the temple really soon and I had to wait a long time to get onto a computer :P

I got to borrow a viola this week in order to prepare to play for the wine lady's baptism. It is worth 10,000 dollars and so it sounds absolutely beautiful. It was a bit hard, but I learned how to play it, and it sounds great. I hope I can get a recording to share with you, too.

I got to accompany a sister missionary with her violin at a different baptism. The song was changed three times, but we made it through alright and everyone loved it. The next day, she texted us saying she needed me again for her sacrament meeting, except we had to do a song she hadn't played before. It was O Little Town of Bethlehem. We had 15 minutes to practice, and I had to write an intro, a middle section to divide the verse, and also an ending. I don't know how I did it, but I got it all written and figured out and we performed it. I was so glad it turned out great!

I had to exchange with someone else for a day. When I got back, I realized that I left my blanket and other stuff in the car at another Elder's apartment. So that night, we closed the door and cranked the heat of the bedroom, and I slept in thermal underwear and socks. I even considered wearing socks on my hands. I actually slept alright!

I have been making us good food. I cooked up some spicy chicken, and some ground turkey and other various things. 

We got two new investigators. They are a married couple, and they are very fantastic. 
I have now officially ran out of time. I hope that I can perhaps get time later today, but it is unlikely. I am so sorry, guys. 

Have a great Christmas!

I have more time because the other missionaries messed up. 

Elder Stewart was riding his bike with me one day, and it was a bit snowy. When we turned into the church parking lot, he turned too sharply and fell off his bike. He then tried to stand up and slipped again. This created a large hole in the seam of his pants. He spent the next few days sewing it up.

We went caroling one night with other missionaries. It was kind of fun and I enjoyed the break from missionary work. I was exhausted because me and Elder Stewart spent the past two days shoveling for people. While we were caroling, an icicle fell many stories down and slammed his music out of his hand. We quickly retreated. Elder Stewart had it rough lately. 

Speaking of him, he has been transferred away, and I am devastated. He is going to a new area to train someone, while also being district leader at the same time. He has a lot of madness going on. Pray for that man.

I got to play volley ball with the other missionaries on P day last week. It was a ton of fun, and me and Elder Stewart were frequently setting each other up to dominate. 

Now I have to go for real. Again, have a nice Christmas!

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