Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

I received a text from Washington with the caption Happy New Year!  After looking at the number and then the number on the sign, I realized they were the same.  A massage?  They got a massage at this time of night?  The person calls me and from what I can gather, his companion doesn't know how to walk in the snow and tweaked something so they were there to get some help.  Payment?  Scripture and prayer.  The gentleman reports that Elder Ruth is doing well and if his companion is careful, he should recover nicely.  I am grateful for people who watch out for our missionaries and take care of them when needed.  And grateful for pictures!

Update:  companion hurt himself lifting tons of logs lifting with his back.  Then when playing basketball, he hurt it going for a layup.  So they saw this nice guy who fixed him up good, only to have him biff it hard on the ice at the end of the night.  Poor Elder Carson.  Get well soon!!

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