Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Phone Call

(This is Lori posting)

I received a text Saturday from the ward mission leader letting me know that Jonathan will Facetime us Monday at 1:30 pm.  A time and a method!  We were so excited!  We tried all possible ways to ensure that we would have a good connection.  When we tried the Apple TV, the sound was delayed so we messed around with the internet and called Heather in South Korea.  The second time we called it worked pretty good.  Monday comes around and it feels like we are getting ready for a wedding or something.  We curl our hair and put on our make up.  We try Facetime again and it doesn't work very well. Then we sit around waiting for the clock to hurry and move to 1:30pm.  1:30 comes and goes. Finally at 1:50pm we get a text saying he is ready to get on and PRESTO!  There he is!

We crowded around my tiny iPhone on a selfie stick to talk with Jonathan.  The picture and sound is perfect, abeit a tiny screen to see.  He looks good!  He has gained back the 10 pounds he lost in the MTC but still has the cough.  *sigh*  We were never told the time limit so we talked for close to two hours. Towards the end it said "poor connection" so we couldn't see him anymore, but he could still see us.  Jonathan ended with a family prayer and it was a perfect way to end the call.  See you in May for Mother's Day!

Best Christmas Present Ever!

Traditional Jammies Pictures

Facetime Selfie
The Elder we know and love 
Let's Feast!
Christmas Fun with a fabulous family

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