Monday, December 4, 2017

A Day at the Hospital

I forgot my journal because today was pretty busy, so this email won't be too amazing. But might as well talk about the hospital first.

So we were volunteering at a bike shop. I was stacking up tires to the max. It was a sight to behold, and that one guy from Cars, Luigi or something, would be drooling. I then heard someone yell from the other room. I came over to see, and my companion had blood just streaming down his face. Instead of being concerned, I just kinda stood there, like, "Dang, you look pretty sick right now." Elder Stewart was getting down from something and gripped a pole to steady himself, and the pole came out of the wall and hit him in the temple. There was a lot of blood, but we got him some gauze and put a bunch of pressure on it and we successfully stopped the bleeding in a couple minutes. I was actually surprised at how quickly we ended it, since head injuries are so brutal. 

Anyways, we drove over to an emergency room and sat for a while. Since I have been coughing SINCE SEPTEMBER 10TH, they made me wear a mask.  So I was sitting with a mask while Elder Stewart had his head wrapped to hold the gauze. We then decided that we definitely shouldn't be here, so we traveled down to a different place, and they said that they were not allowed to treat him because it was a head injury. They sent us to a different place, and we were finally in business. A doctor gave him six stitches and then we were free. It kinda took our entire day, but it sure was a fun day! He will be getting those stitches out tomorrow I think.

The wine lady got to come with us to see a girl get baptized. I haven't been to a baptism in a long time, and so I was amazed. The spirit is super intense so it was very good to have the wine lady there. She can not wait to be baptized. She will be baptized on the 20th by my companion. 

I can't think of much more to say because my memory is not very great :( So I'll have to cut my email short this week, sorry about that! 

Just one thing I learned this week:  If you can try really hard be positive and super nice to everyone, even people who are rude to you, things will be really great! Sorry for the short email. I'll do a better one later! as in next week.

What a fine pair we make

Nemo is my tree.  Notice my ornaments!

We share the same sky

Sister Missionaries with us

At a training

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