Sunday, December 3, 2017

Good Gravy

While being on a mission, I have read the Book of Mormon twice, Jesus the Christ and Our Search for Happiness.  What is happening to me?  That's more books than I've read in my entire life!  I am also on Doctrine and Covenants section 51 as of writing this on November 27, 2017. 

We went to KFC for lunch one day.  Elder Stewart has a fantastic sense of humor.  I opened a bowl of gravy and a ton of it launched out and got all over him.  He said, "Good gravy, I've been shot!"  He later dropped his planner and it landed in some gravy.  He cleaned it, but says it will always smell like gravy, reminding him of this great day.

Today I learned some people think Jesus has already come in the form of a woman.  He says that He will not come as a woman or a wanderer.  I've heard there will be many false Christs.  I know that they will have the power to perform miracles, but it is of the Devil.  Jesus will come down from the skies and everyone will know. Jesus will ask them about the marks in His hands and feet.

My bike tire was flat when we came back to it, and now we're waiting to be picked up.  I must go!  Bye!

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