Monday, November 27, 2017

A Mighty Miracle

More on the Wine Lady Saga! We had a few plans to go to member's homes to teach people, and she was invited without us knowing. (Rest in Peace, our plans to teach the lesson we prepared.) It is becoming a bit difficult to teach because she finds it very difficult to hear that her prior baptism is not valid to become a member of our church. At our dinner on Saturday, the members just started answering all of her questions, and she struggled understanding answers that she received. Things went on in this manner and she left early because she didn't understand. We assumed that we were taking her off date for baptism because of it. 

She then magically showed up again at Bishop's house for dinner the next day. We took the mission president's advice and called them on Friday to ask if they would invite someone, and also what lesson we could teach that would benefit them the most. We had a lesson planned, but were unable to teach it. The wine lady started asking many many questions, and Bishop handled them like a champion. I was very grateful for him. He was teaching with incredible skill. She loves to interrupt, and he found a way to get her to stop talking in a very respectful manner and fully answer her questions. Because of him, she is back on date!
What a miracle. 

Bishop lives in the country, and he has a big patch of ground with 10,000 yards of dirt which was on an ex-hill. It is now flat until the edge, where there is a dangerous steep drop off. When we were driving home, we were on a road that is 55 mph, and bishop looked far up the hill and saw her car lights driving the wrong way and into that patch. He started driving in reverse very quickly and flipped us around, and then we charged up the hill to her rescue. Just before the edge which would prove certain doom, the thick mud gripped her tires and wouldn't let her move. We drove into the dangerous thick mud and strapped chains to the cars. It seemed like we were stuck for a moment, and then the car was able to move, and we towed her to safety. I am glad she had the chance to be saved by the one who oversees the entire ward. I was very grateful that we were able to have this miracle with her.

I really really like Christmas with all of its decorations and happy people. Because of it, I bought Christmas lights and strung them around my apartment, and it makes me really happy.

When we talk on the phone, if it is with another missionary of the same gender, we say, "bye, Love you." One morning I was talking to the sisters and then hung up. Elder Stewart was in the bathroom, and he thought I said that to the sisters, and he was so surprised that he cut his lip while shaving. We later confronted the sisters and they confirmed that I did not say, "Love you".

We leveled up by taking on a crazy intense quest. It was to carry 600 eggs and 20 bags of lettuce across a building and store them in a fridge without dropping any. The first time we took on the quest, we failed because some lettuce fell off the the cart, but we were given a new chance. We went back, loaded the cart to the max, and made it all the way. Once we closed that fridge, XP Flowed (video game speak)  everywhere and we leveled up! It felt real good.

If you know anything about me, you'd know that I am a bit of a picky eater. I am pleased to announce that for the first time, I have been eating salads and vegetables and beans like no ones business.  I even had tofu and mushrooms for the first time, and it wasn't miserable. 
There's my week. I hope you guys have a fantastic week, too.

I don't know what this is.  Should I be suspicious?

Let the Christmas season begin!

Love the RAV4!

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