Friday, October 13, 2017

WD-40 and Grandma

I left a wonderful story out of my group email that amuses me.  We got a brand new car the other week.  It is a 2017 RAV4 and it's really nice.  I like it a lot and I'm the designated driver so I've had fun with it.  Basically it's a great car and it's really nice.

When we back up in a car, it is mandatory to have your companion outside the car behind you, guiding you.  When I was backing out, I followed his command and started to turn.  The edge of the car grinded a pole leaving two large brown marks.  I was freaked out for a little while until the memory of an email Grandma Ruth sent me came to the rescue.  WD-40 gets stuff like that off of cars.  We found some the next day and I scrubbed the car real good.  Now, I can't even tell anything happened, and I can't find an indentation or mark to prove it did happen.  Thanks Grandma Ruth!

My quote of the week:
What kind of mad man doesn't deliver mail on Sundays!?

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