Monday, October 9, 2017

Random Noises

What a lovely week. On last Monday, I hurt my leg somehow. I figured it was either I slightly ripped or strained a tendon. I refused to go and get an MRI because I had a pretty good feeling that I would be ok. I spent two days walking in a weird fashion in order to relieve stress on that leg. I ended up being fully healed! Yes! On Tuesday, while it still hurt, we had to drop our car off to another companionship and walk back. After walking the half mile to our apartment, I realized that the key to the apartment was on the key ring for the car :( HOWEVER, I also remembered that everything in our apartment is kinda sub-par, and our back door doesn't lock. With a hurt leg, I jumped off some stairs and grabbed a ledge, then shimmied to the balcony, then pulled myself over and let myself into the apartment, then let my companion in. Level up.

I have met so many strange people. I made the mistake of saying to a conspiracy theorist, "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams." And then he gave me a high five and we were stuck for like 10 minutes listening to him talk about Corrupt America and inside jobs everywhere and all this stuff. For the record, I am 99% sure that jet fuel can easily melt a steel beam. Another man we met told us that because of the Supermoon, the end of the world would be tonight. (Like Wednesday). I told him that It's great that he's studied the Bible, but the Book of Mormon is pretty fantastic too. He said that that wouldn't have time to read it. I haven't seen that man since.

My cooking level has increased a few times while being out here. This week, I made brownies, cookies, and a casserole. My companion loves my food so much, he eats more than half of it and gives half to me. I tried to eat all that he gave me the other day. The thing is, these meals feed my family of six and then leave leftovers. He ate his half super quickly. I ate half of my half too quickly, trying to keep up. I then had to lay down for 20 minutes. I've also been sharing the desserts I've made with the sister missionaries across the street. They have fallen in love with my cooking, and any time they come over to borrow something, they ask if we have any desserts I made that I could let them have. They are also starting to bring me ingredients so that I can make more. It's pretty amusing to me. They once made the mistake of throwing a stick of butter to me. I have a tendency to smite flying things to the ground. Luckily, though very very smashed, the butter was perfectly clean.

We got me a new bike lock this week. It attaches to the bike, but I should have known better. When we were driving with the bike on the car, the lock fell into the streets somewhere. I spent the next few hours distressed because I had just spent 35 dollars on it earlier that day. After doing our service, I looked all over the roads on our way back to the apartment. We didn't find it. Then later, on our way to another appointment, we found it on the road in two pieces. I parked the car and ran to rescue my poor bike lock. It is a U lock, and the metal was bent inwards. The button on it wasn't able to be manipulated, and the dials on it wouldn't move at all. My companion somehow managed to fix all that up! Then later, I used my strength from not breaking the Word of Wisdom and bent the U back into place. I now have a fully functional bike lock which is pretty scratched up. Thank goodness! So that's the non churchy part of my week! All you need to know in terms of proselyting is, everyone around here has found Jesus, though seem to know nothing about Him, and don't want to listen to us. So yeah! I had an amusing week.

Also, the subject of this email is dedicated to my companion. He has noticed that any time I make a random noise, which I do frequently, it means that something has happened to me. Here's a few examples: Getting spaghetti sauce on my white shirt, dropping a pen, tripping, running into a wall, hitting my elbow, stubbing my toe, sneezing and losing my page in the Book of Mormon, getting hit in the face by a bug while riding my bike, etc.

I'll talk to you guys next week!

Elder Ruth
Gird up your loins, we're going on an adventure!

Note:  He hasn't gotten his camera yet, so no pictures from him.  I asked to borrow his companions pictures, but apparently he isn't taking any, either!  Regardless, I discovered the following picture so I am adding it to this post. 

Zone Conference 10/2/17

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