Monday, October 2, 2017

Level Up

Things are going really well. I've got a companion named Elder Stewart. He is half Samoan and has made me rice and eggs for many many meals. He thinks I am hilarious and is constantly laughing because of the things we say.

It isn't that easy being out here. Most of the people out here are very devout in their faith, such as non denominational or Catholic or whatever. There is a church on every street. I've never seen religion this much before. Most of the people are nice and tell us that they are not interested, but we've had a few rude people. I've only been flipped off once, so that's good. 

I've made a bunch of friends. I know a lot of the local homeless people, and I give them granola bars when I pass. We've also taught the restoration to one of them, and prayed with another one. I actually really like the homeless people. They aren't stubborn and they love the company. The actual people in homes or just walking around are the ones who cause me problems.

On Wednesday, we went to go clean up this guy's front weed. I'd say front lawn, but he has weeds instead. He has trees, too. He handed me a machete which was basically a razor blade, and so I got to work, hacking and slashing my way through several trees. I also ripped some of them out of the ground like Excalibur. We filled a trashcan and a half with just weeds. I slashed my way through so many weeds, it was amazing. I leveled up from that. The only problem is, when you level up, things get harder to accommodate your new skills. It is hard to talk to people.

I am having a lot of success with the first people I ever talked to. I love them so much. I am determined to flip their lives around. I've already helped the woman get a job, and we're working on getting the guy a job, too. Right now, I've been compiling a list of vocabulary words in the medical field. She needs help with spelling words, so I'm turning her into a literate woman. I love her children too. They're so cute! Its a lot of fun and people like them help things be worth it.

My apartment is less than great. It's habitable I guess. There are very few lights, and a lot of things are broken. One day, we found a lamp which wasn't there before. Now we can see in our room if one of us is blocking the only light we have. My bedframe is basically just a frame, and my mattress falls through it. I think it's kinda like a banana chair. Regardless, I've been sleeping better each night! 

We went shopping today, and I'm about to make our apartment smell amazing with food other than rice and eggs! Can't wait.
We go out and look for new people every day. Someone gave me a poetry book that their friend published about Catholics. I'm pretty sure I am not allowed to read it, so I later gave it to my drunk friend, Jeff, who seems to enjoy it immensely. One day we'll teach Jeff, he's just always drunk.

Its not that hard being out here, but one day I became kind of depressed. It was hard on me, because I have seasonal depression kind of. One day, we found a happy light in the apartment. I used it for the first time while watching a church movie, and then I felt even better than normal. Its good to know that God loves us enough to make random useful things occasionally appear in our apartment. I really appreciate Him. So that's my week! Lots of rejection, meeting hobos, leveling up, and eating rice!

Elder Ruth

Gird up your loins, Elders, We're going on an adventure!

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