Monday, October 16, 2017

Shenanigans happened, but they are personal shenanigans

This week was a bit of a tough one! Our first three days of the week went by without a single lesson (except for dinner appointments). We also didn't receive any referrals or anything. We have to keep count of all these things, and I think that it probably isn't the best. It is a sort of thing that can cause people to worry that they aren't living up to what they should be. Those 0's we recorded does not display our good works. We helped some people move in, shared plenty of messages with member family at dinner and on the streets, volunteered and got ripped at a food bank (from hoisting salmon loins...?) and also helped at a bike shop. So we still did exactly what we needed to.

I've spent a lot of time reading the scriptures. Though it is important to help investigators feel Gods love, it is good to also grow your own relationship with Him. I have struggled a lot with things this week like poor weather conditions and rude people, but it only greatened my capacity to feel even stronger love and have a better connection with Him. I was so glad to meet with a trans gender 14 year old person. I did everything I could to help them know how much God loves her and shared a message on charity. I don't know the policy the church has with transgender, but I do know that God loves ALL of His children, no matter what. I felt really happy when we finished our message. She really wanted to give us a hug because my companion and I wrought a huge change in her heart.

We also spent a lot of time with a man who has lost everything. I am not very good at distinguishing between what is the spirit and what is my own thoughts, but at the end of our visit, I felt like I needed to give him a hug. Giving him that hug made an extreme difference, and I felt my heart explode with the love that God and I have for him. I hope that we can help bring him back.

While I was back at home, surfing through only the dankest of memes, I found an idea that could be incorporated into cigarettes. The idea was proposed that tree seeds could be placed into the butt of a cigarette, so that when a smoker carelessly litters poor Mother Earth, a tree could spring forth from it. If that idea came to be, Spokane would be the thickest rain forest to ever touch the earth, because good grief. Drugs! Drugs everywhere! Hide yo kids, Hide yo wife! I am convinced that the reason I am still coughing is because I have gotten lung cancer! That's enough of that ranting.

I'll leave you off with a fresh spiritual thought. I'd share through scriptures if I didn't leave mine back at the apartment on accident. So! We are all humans, and because of it, we all mess up all the time. Sometimes, we make a small mistake and don't even worry about it.  Sometimes we make a huge mistake and desperately beg for forgiveness. God will always forgive us if it is through a broken heart and a contrite spirit. No matter what, He will forgive. Because of this, we are eternally indebted to him. If one of his other servants have wronged us in some way, we owe it to God to forgive that person. What you do to someone else, you do to Jesus. God can not forgive you if you are holding a huge grudge against His child AND Jesus, so do what it takes to forgive everyone, and He will never fail to forgive you.

Have a great week, all of you. And more than half of you asked to be on this list. You're all my friends! Don't be afraid to respond to me ;)

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