Monday, October 30, 2017

Bug Battlefield

This week wasn't as full of shenanigans as usual. We had a pumpkin carving contest, and I really think that mine should have won. Why wouldn't it? I carved the words "Student loans" into it. That's the spookiest thing anyone's ever heard of.

When we were headed to our dinner appointment, I didn't expect a fight.  "Elder Ruth, we're going to be late, we have to run!" We started to sprint along the sidewalk with vigor, determined to arrive when we should. The sun was beating down on us, streaming sweat across our foreheads. I gripped my bag to keep it from bouncing along.

"Why didn't we just ride our bikes?" I cried while hopping a bush which blocked the sidewalk. A low hanging branch sliced across my hairline, dropping a small blood drop across my white shirt. I kept running through the stinging pain, clenching my side to ease the achiness. We had been running for several minutes now. I had already tripped my way across several blocks, resting only at the stoplights. 

Something large blocked the sun. I looked up to see a sign of the second coming. Swarms and neighboring swarms of tiny blue bugs entered the area. They patrolled the skies, searching for intruders. We pushed on in the name of the Lord and breached through the first line of defense. Instantly, thousands of tiny blue bugs littered our bodies. I clenched my mouth shut to keep them from reaching my core.

"Elder Ruth!" My companion cried. He was covered in the blood of our enemies. The stains of bugs littered his white shirt. Their alive bodies crawled across his chest, attempting to identify the bodies of their fallen brethren. We picked up the pace, desperate to escape the area. The clearing was in sight.

"Hurry!" I demanded. We ran even faster. The end of the madness was 20 yards away. 15 yards! 10 yards! 5 y-- "AUGH!" I had been shot! I gripped my eye in pain breached through the ending. I had been temporarily blinded by a rogue fighter, now inside of my eye. We pushed through the pain and made it to the dinner appointment, sweaty, tired, and covered in blood.

Anyways, it says somewhere in 3rd Nephi that God knows what we need before we know. I had a really rough day on Friday, and I read the scripture on Saturday. After it, I prayed that God would bless me with what I needed to feel better. We then went to an appointment at a lady's house who had five kittens running around and playing. One of them loved me and let me hold it while I taught. Needless to say, my mood was completely changed and I felt much better. Well played, God. ;)

Remember the wine lady from last week? We taught her the Restoration and brought her two friends along with us. She absolutely loved it! She hugged my companion against his will after I dodged her slap happy arms. Every time she sees us, she tells us, "Thank you for changing my life". We brought her to church again and she loved it so much. She is making so many friends and is so happy to have found the truth. 

She has been a part of many religions and she says that ours is what was missing from her life. After all, we do have the restored church of Jesus Christ, so it does have all the pieces. We will invite her to be baptized this week and I am fully confident that she will gladly accept it and drop all alcohol instantly. She loves religion more than anything else. We also got someone else on date for baptism this week, but I wasn't there. We had companion exchanges, so. Yeah! There's the stuff of this week. Not too eventful. 

Balcony from a previous letter

In disguise, but the name tag kind of gives it away, eh?

Scary pumpkin because it says "Student Loans"

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