Thursday, July 4, 2019

Woah, A Thursday Email

Contrary to what you may believe, I did not forget to write to all of my friends this week. Our Pday was moved to today, July 4th! This was risky business in behalf of our stomach. Last P day, our debit cards were not refilled, and so we were low on money. Elder Willis was broke entirely and used some personal funds on some important food items, and I had little money left. We bought what we could and rationed as best as possible. It would be longer than usual before our next grocery trip, and the fridge certainly showed it. The shelves became more and more bare by the day, until that fateful morning when we discovered there was nothing left, aside from condiments and some butter. 

So anyways we've been busy here and there and everywhere in the name of the Lord. One cool person we've started teaching is a Muslim woman whose name is Kholoud. Her name is super fun to say, since it's difficult for people who only speak English. We had so much fun meeting her and talking about Christ and her culture and more. She showed me my name in Arabic and I showed her hers in Japanese. We asked if she could speak some Arabic for us, and so she said in Arabic, "thank you God for sending me these two handsome young men!" Man, we just had the greatest time hanging out with someone whose religion is closer to Christianity than you may think. She may not be "Christian" but I can see from the bounteous miracles in her life that "God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in". 

One day as we were slipping through the city streets, a couple had been discussing that they loved God and that they really wanted to return back to church. Just imagine their surprise as two young men in white shirts and ties show up at their door, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ! They are a young couple who moved recently and just had no idea what church they should attend, though they have been fond of ours since they have family members who have joined the church. We were able to return back the next day and share some more with them about how faith in Christ will bless their lives more than anything. (My definition of faith in Christ is to believe in him enough to do what he says. Most people up here believe in him but don't follow him.)  Anyways, they are going to mosy their way on down to church this week. Nice.

One day, we were waiting in our car for just a few minutes and contacting people through technology since our investigators weren't quite home yet. This 14 year old kid just prances on over and asks for a bible! I asked if he was referring to the "Mormon bible" or the actual one, and he wanted the Book of Mormon. We were able to just sit down with him and talk all about it and how God loves all his children. He said that he hadn't been baptized and he wanted to be, and he wants to join our church. I kinda just laughed to myself at how much the Lord has been blessing us lately. He doesn't live here in our area, so two missionaries near Moses Lake are about to receive what many people call a "golden referral." 

Break time for the biggest thing I learned this week. I was watching Elder Herem and just reflecting on how far he has come and stuff. He is a district leader now and just led his first district meeting. When he was being trained, I used to just throw tasks on him which seemed terrifying and unachievable. I knew he was capable of doing everything I asked, even when he didn't. I was then looking at my week, and how God had asked us to do impossible things. Days where we had headaches and leg cramps and no food and it was too hot and people were mean. We could have just called it good and went to the apartment and sat around, but instead, we went out to work. We didn't know where to go or who to talk to, but we went, using as much of the spirit as we could feel through our suffering, and every time we persevered, we found someone who needed us and "our burdens were made light, that even we could not feel them." Since I was a "father" to Elder Herem, I was able to understand why God would make everything so difficult. Like God did with me, I never left Elder Herem by himself in those situations. I only needed him to try, and once he tried, I would join and together, we forged legends. So now I understand, God will from time to time test our faith and put before us tasks which seem impossible so that we will have an opportunity to grow. As soon as we put one foot in front of the other and press on, he will add his power to yours and help you overcome the enemy. 

There is a widow woman of the Lutheran faith who is the aunt of one of our dear widow members, and they are next door neighbors. Like President Monson, I love to go over and visit the widows and help them feel friendship and love and all that jazz. We come over two to three times a week to get a drink of lemonade, even if we aren't thirsty, then spend some time on them deck and share spiritual thoughts with them. We have helped her with service many times and even helped the Lutheran one too. She has heard enough of our little messages and felt the holy ghost enough that she has decided that after all these years, she "better listen to those missionaries!" And so we have started going over and sharing the actual lessons with them. It has been a dream going and reading from the Book of Mormon and sharing the restored gospel with her, and seeing her brain put together these missing pieces and understand even better who her father in heaven is. She has enjoyed it so much that she also will be coming to church this week. Nice.

This email is getting long, so I'll just sum up with we found two more people, a brother and sister who moved from Hawaii. My Dad had talked about Hawaii and surfing enough for me to slip my way into their hearts, coupled with my love for spam and rice. They love us and we have a blast each time we see them. So that's 6 for the week! Other news: I reached my mission goal of 100 consecutive push ups, took more pictures with people's pets, learned how to ride my bike while standing and not hold the handlebars, made an incredibly tasty chicken in a crock pot and grew even stronger in a love and knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ. That's all for this week! Hopefully no one's Dad sets off a firework that blasts across the street and lights the canal trail on fire. 
Behold my crock pot dinner
Look Ma, No Hands!
I found another little kitten
Me and Elder Willis doing service 

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