Monday, July 8, 2019

Two Months Left For Me

I sure hope everyone had a great Independence Day! One interesting thing to me is that Nephi in the Book of Mormon saw in a vision America obtaining freedom from England in 1 Nephi chapter 13. Anyhow, if you wanted, you probably got to enjoy some nice fireworks! We had a major tree blocking off our view, but I was able to see some through two other people, so that was a blessing! 

As we were slopping through the city streets of the town of Spokane, we decided to peruse over to a particular apartment. One series of knocks later, a woman slides open the door along with her cute 18 month old daughter. This woman was taking the lessons and wanted to be baptized two years ago, but stopped taking the lessons because she went on bedrest five months into her pregnancy. She then moved from Cheney to here. We started teaching her again along with her brother in law and her less active husband. What a sweet blessing it was to find someone who had been hoping to once again make contact with the church. I love how God can lead us to his children in what seems to us like complete chance. 

One of the biggest things that stuck out to me this week was a lesson we had with a father who is engaged, and has been for years. When we asked him why he hasn't married her, he explained, "in my culture people don't stay married. It always ends in divorce, and it's too much work." I just sat there, almost heart broken, listening to how he says that you just can't have a happy family. I testified to him that it is possible to have a happy family. I told that man, "when I marry my wife, she'll be my queen, and I'll love her so much, I'll work to make sure that we can be together for time and all eternity." Who am I to talk about marriage, having never been married myself? What I do know is, a marriage takes work, and it isn't a walk in the park, but the privilege of starting a family with the one you love is one of the greatest blessings in existence, and a relationship touched by the hand of Jesus Christ can make it to the end and beyond. It is possible to have an eternal marriage, and with both members of the relationship working together, it will happen. 

Well. It's not very easy to write up a whole new email when you've only got three days worth of stuff, and not all of it is incredibly notable. I suppose I can share a funny story. We were walking around a woman's trailer, taking down all of the "no trespassing" signs as she requested. Well, we have giant dandelions up here, and if you kick them hard enough, it knocks off the bit that will eventually sprout tons of pollen and other nasties. I kick one and my shoe flies into the air and lands on the roof of the trailer. I had to mosy over to the front door, then reach to the roof and shimmy across by my fingertips until I reached where my shoe was, then pulled it down, and we finished the job as if nothing had happened.
So that's it for this week. Another successful week, we found five new people to teach. We refilled the fridge, rode bikes, visited friends and wrought miracles in the name of the Lord, and our loins were girt the whole time. 

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