Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sunburns and Other Turns

This week was just great. Wait, I changed my mind. I don't need to write an intro. 

So some family invited us over to their home for dinner one evening. It was fun and games until they unveiled the meat that would be in our tacos: fish. Unlucky!! We could choose from fish sticks or shrimp, and I've had an unlucky history with both of these. I was willing to give it a shot, so I threw two fishsticks into my taco and doused it with cholula sauce. To my pleasant surprise, it was bearable! I didn't go for seconds, but I was able to get two whole fish sticks down the hatch. Maybe it was because I said a prayer to God, asking Him to make them tolerable to me. In any case, there can be miracles!

What luck! A few months ago, we passed a trailer, and even though we didn't say anything, the guy sitting outside told us that he was good. We got a referral to that exact trailer, unveiling my favorite kind of person to teach, a native American! I absolutely love to teach them about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are so humble and willing to learn. She really absorbed the message of the restoration of the gospel. We left her as she felt the spirit strongly. She enjoyed the message so much that she smiled the whole time and could feel of it's truth. Yes.

I was reading in the book of Philippians, and there is a part where Paul is saying, he is torn between the idea of dying and being with Christ or staying and teaching the people on earth. I was really impressed with what he said, because it reminded me of my own mission. It's been tough as heck, and I've had recommendations to go home and get the help I need for my sleep multiple times. I've always just looked at that option and known that I should stay out here and fight my way through the fatigue. One day, I was so tired I couldn't even really reply to Elder Willis, I just followed him around. Well, when we finally got someone to answer a door, newfound strength overcame me and I was able to come alive and testify, helping us get another new investigator. Shortly after, I reverted back to my tired self. It's interesting that even though it feels impossible, when we do the work of the Lord, He provides a means for us to accomplish what he asks of us. I'm not citing that scripture. Anyhow, I, like Paul, would love to return home and rest and be with my family I haven't seen in almost two years, but I'm still needed out here, so I'll fight until the end.

Being a missionary is so weird. I've started to notice that some people have started to just like confess every crazy thing they've done or have had happen. I was talking to a bishop this week and realized we share the same perspective with sin. When someone comes up to me or him and confesses, we both generally think "I don't care that you did all that." And that's in a nice way. The reason we don't care is because the atonement is infinite and Christ can help turn the bad things you've done into a learning experience to help you grow. As long as you are willing to repent, no one really cares, and that fear you have from coming forward and saying you've done something bad comes straight from satan. Therefore, I say unto you, all 35 people who read these, shake off the chains with which ye are bound and come unto Christ. Give satan no more power over you to submit you to the yoke of bondage. Be ye free!

And that's all I really have to say for this week. It was a swell week. Maybe this next week will be even sweller. Maybe.

Doing service

Elder Willis and me at church 

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