Monday, July 22, 2019

A Pie In July

Oh hey everybody. Are you all having the best July of your life? There isn't smoke everywhere, so that's nice. Unless you're in Spokane. These people saw too much "dragon tales" as a kid and now they are always puffing smoke. But, anyways.

I had an exchange with a zone leader today, and it was a really amusing time for me. We exchanged right before dinner, and three minutes before it ended, he went to use the bathroom. I got my bike ready and had my helmet on. 10 minutes later, I was sitting on my couch. 40 minutes later, I was laying on the extra mattress. I eventually fell asleep! I slept for an hour, and he was still dying in the bathroom. It was so bad and constant we didn't go outside at all, so I put our DVD player by the bathroom so we could both watch Mr. Kruger's Christmas. The next morning, he was doing alright, so I put on my bike helmet and ready to go, and screams, "my hair!" He didn't want to ride bikes because his hair would get messed up. I told him it was a 2.1 mile walk, but he was persistent, so a walk it was! We have a good lesson, and when it's over, I say, "ok, we are going to be late exchanging back, so we have to jog. Ready? Go!" And he just screams "my shoes!" I guess he was wearing a really fancy pair of shoes he could not scuff, so we had to call the other elders and tell them we would be like an hour late. It was honestly a hilarious exchange for me. 

We are always going around, talking to people and doing cool stuff. It's a bit less common for people to tell us this, but once again, someone was telling us that they could see light emanating off of us. He said it wasn't a figure of speech, but he could physically see the light. I thought that was neat. 

This week was a bit harder on me. Maybe it was because I don't have a lot of time left. Maybe it was because of sleep deprivation. All I know is that I spent a few days kind of depressed and quiet. I found it interesting that those terrible feelings left whenever I was teaching the gospel and helping people. It's been harder to teach lessons with everyone cancelling lately, but when we were able to have them, I felt much better. I guess the gospel really does bring peace.

There is a family who just moved into our ward, and they have so much stuff!! But we brought 8 other Elders, so we got the job done. Mom and Dad are members, 11 year old girl isn't baptized because a missionary told her when she was seven that she didn't need to be baptized. So here we are! Dad tells us that she doesn't like missionaries and she never lets them teach her, so give it your best shot. I strung my sweet spiritual bow with two arrows at once. She loves art, so I talked to her about it for a while, then made a promise to return the next day with a brand new canvas for her to paint on. She was so happy! We then got in, had a 20 minute visit, shared a fun video and really made it entertaining for us to be there. Our innocent lil 11 year old had no idea being with missionaries could be so much fun. I also told her we'd bring like 3 other 11-12 year old girls to meet her, and now she is hooked. That's the story of how we added an "impossible" person to our teaching pool.

If you haven't noticed, I love teaching and being with younger kids. I'd teach them my whole mission if I could. One day as we were slopping through the dank streets of Airway Heights, these three kids see us across the way, and the boy is holding a container a mysterious blue liquid. He shouts, "wanna feel this stuff"? And I instantly agree and mosy my way on over to meet my three other new kid friends. They made a really thick slime and just couldn't wait for us to give it a feel. We hung out with them for like 30 minutes. They were so sad we had to go! We came back a couple days later and they were so excited to see us. I guess it's really just up to their parents now, but they would love for us to teach them some "Jesus stuff".

I dont have much else to say. We got three new people to teach this week, one person came to church for the very first time, I held a baby bunny, and I made us another delicious crock pot dinner. The field is yellow, all ready to harvest. 

Lookit the baby bunny

The field is ready to harvest

Because I can

A train picture for mom

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