Monday, December 3, 2018

3 Dollars and 24 Cents

Elder Herem has been complaining about feeling sick lately. I'm not saying that I'm right, but I did tell him he'd get some disease for kissing a llama on the lips. The proof is the background picture on his phone.

So anyways, this was another good one. Just foggy as all get out. It really is mystical. The sound is muffled and it can attain pitch black if there isn't a street light near. It's perfect weather for stumbling upon a dead body! We found a beheaded chicken in the depths of Deer Park, and the attacker was nowhere to be seen.

Elder Herem is becoming more like me every week and I am becoming incredibly amused. He's a bit timid in door approaches, but on one of these foggy nights, some man opens up and he is not happy to see Elder Herem. He starts to spew all this anti Mormon stuff and I thought Elder Herem would panic. Instead, he kinda puffs out his chest and begins dragging this man to the depths of tartarus with his shield of faith and sword of the spirit. I decided I might as well join in with my broadsword, and together, we finished him. This man was caught in a stupor and couldn't think of anything else he tried to search up one day, so he threw up his flag of truce and retreated inside his apartment. Not that fighting anti is the goal, but I was so proud of Herem for standing up for himself. 

We have a few old ladies we have been hoping to teach. We just haven't been able to go in. One of our ward missionaries came in clutch and we got into two of their homes. We then taught some powerful lessons and set them as new investigators. It was pretty sweet getting two new people in one evening. We're headed back to one of them this evening. Stay tuned, boys. 

We had a day of service on Saturday. Most of the people around here are too prideful to accept help, so we fell into the trusty hands of the pig farm person! Whoo! Spent 5 and a half hours there doing various farm work. It was pretty tough, moving bales of hay around and lifting metal and grains and all manner of stuff. One of the toughest things was when we trapped some pigs in an alley. One ran straight at me and I grabbed it by the back foot. The other charges to save its friend. I dodged it's gaping jaws and snatched it hardcore. I then had a pig in either hand, threatening to dislocate both of my arms at the same time by trying to run behind me. It was extremely tough, but I held them in place for what seemed like years before relief aid came and grabbed one from me. They had to tell me what hand to let go because it was so intense. Haha. First time getting a two for one. I wasn't lying either, Herem legitimately kissed a llama on the lips. I got to play with bunnies, caught many pigs, built a fence and fed a cow yogurt. It was a lot of fun, but that evening, I fell asleep shortly after coming home. Now If only I could stay asleep the entire night.

We started teaching one of our new people from last week and her 29 year old daughter joined in the lesson. It was one of our more powerful ones, just loaded with the spirit. Both of them really enjoyed the lesson and now seem to be rather promising. What made it even better was after the lesson when they said that they were about to go out Pokemon-ing. I got into Pokemon go just before I left to serve, so I had a blast talking to them about all their adventures and cool ones they've caught. I guess it's still really popular out here in Deer Park. I never see people outside, but I dunno! Maybe we can have our new person fill us in on where a raid battle will be so we can happen to be there right after a fight ;) we will see.

I guess I don't have too much else to say. Christmas is coming. Thanks to the 3 dollars and 24 cents we collectively had, we bartered for a large number of Christmas lights and our apartment is beautiful. Mom bought me a sweet little Christmas tree and it has lil decorations. Nemo is happily enjoying my happy light most days. One family gave us a bunch of Christmas things that were going to be donated. Due to all of this, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎵

We love dinner!

Christmas is coming

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