Monday, December 10, 2018

Double Yolker

Did somebody say cold? Because the sky dandruff has struck the ground, freezing it to the point that it can't be penetrated easily for building a fence. And then, I was smitten with an actual cold, so here am I, coughing and sneezing in the name of the Lord. But what else is new? Let's get to the good stuff.

We have a returning less active family that we teach every Monday evening. There is usually a cute lil 5 year old girl who just loves having us over. Last Monday, her mother was finally home and decided she might as well sit in on our lesson of the Plan of Salvation. She quickly became interested and began asking many questions. Keep in mind, if you're not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, you don't have a belief of a pre earth life, you pretty much have no idea why we are here and you have little to no idea of what happens when we die. She was very excited to have us back a few days later. We then took her on one of my personal best church tours which was very powerful. She then ended our sweet tour by telling us she can't make it to church tomorrow because the less active member needed her help for something. Dang! Next week. 

This area does a living nativity every other year, and it's pretty neat. The people get to walk around and see live sheep and cows and then a freezing Joseph and Mary, lovingly watching over their fake baby Jesus. The Nativity ends in a tent where they are taken through the life of Jesus Christ, ending with his ministry in the Americas. A lot of people seemed to not like that part, but a lot of people were also very interested. We stood at the end of the walk through at a table, full of the goods. I've never handed out a Bible before, but I got to hand out 4 Bibles and 19 Book of Mormons! These weren't just lame hand outs either, they were all to people who genuinely wanted to learn. I enjoyed answering people's questions and helping them learn more. It was very funny to see a German and Ukrainian teenager come up and ask, "So you say, Jesus came to America, too?? Wow!" Haha. Those two guys were super great. It was overall a really great experience, despite my legs wanting to slay me after standing in place for several hours.

The other Elders in our apartment halted our missionary work for a while. On three occasions, they scheduled themselves more than they could handle on accident, and so they begged and pleaded for our help. We left our area to help them each time. My favorite was on a day I was much too tired to make and eat dinner. We went over to a home and they had one extra steak which they excitedly pawned off to me. We then started to answer the questions of a man who attends one of the corrupted churches around here. I guess that they preach a bunch of anti stuff about our church, so we cleared up all of it. The comical thing to me was, I was actually able to use most of the anti points their church teaches against themselves while using the Bible to validify our church's teaching. I had to tell myself to stop ripping into his church. He said that he will gladly come to ours now, so that's awesome. The other Elder I went on splits for it was in awe at the end, saying that what I had accomplished was more than he and his companion in over a month. Ha, thanks, Holy Ghost. 

So we've got a general authority named Elder Whiting coming to town even quicker than Santa Claus. The mission president's wife called us up on Friday and asked if we would be willing to play some serious tunes for this man on Tuesday. This was pretty stressing to me, because the piano is always harder than the violin. It took a day, but we got some people to give us some music. We spent quite a while working to get the song really good. Sunday rolls around and we get a call, telling us that they don't need us to play anymore. How sad. Elder Herem was actually very disappointed. Then, a couple hours later, they call again telling us that they might as well just let us play anyways. So, I mean, here we are on Monday afternoon, less than a day left and the song isn't ready. May the grace of God be bestowed upon my poor little fingers. I don't know how this keeps happening to me, but I recall I had similar situations multiple times last year. #PrayForRuth

The Members are supposed to be having us over every evening at 8 PM. On one such evening, we found ourselves in the home of a couple where both were recently returned missionaries. We sat down in front of them when a sly idea crossed my mind. I asked them if they would instead teach us the lesson. They sheepishly looked at each other and agreed. Though it wasn't a perfect lesson, they both seemed to really enjoy it. Then, the guy gave a talk in Sacrament meeting and he talked about how amazing it was for him to once again teach, and this time with his eternal companion. It made me feel good inside to hear the outcome of my sly idea. 

So that's about all of the goods worth sharing for this week. Also, I have included a picture which is very remarkable. I have spent my entire mission in the pursuit of a double yoked egg. It is a super rare thing, but my trainer once got two in the same batch of scrambled eggs. I always freak out when I hear someone else get it, and then one day, God smiled upon me and bestowed it right in my frying pan. Behold, the picture attached at the bottom!! 

Lights in our apt

At the Nativity

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