Monday, December 24, 2018

This Little Piggy Went to the Market

Hello hello, its Christmas tomorrow and snow is all around. I'm half asleep and it smells amazing in my apartment. Anyways. I'm not accusing myself of being good at introductions.

So it rained a ton this week, so things at our lovely pig farm were quite hectic. Most places had flooded, and the pigs had quickly learned to stay away from the ice so they don't fall in. We had a rather good time, feeding animals and fixing things cleaning up garbage, despite it being really cold. I'm mildly sore from throwing pallets all over the place. We created multiple pallet paths for the pigs to walk on and also for bales of hay. It took a long time, but we set up some perfect things and were finally able to leave. That night, we heard that some pigs had babies! If we hadn't done all the prep work we did, the babies would have drowned as soon as they were born. It made me feel really good inside because we didn't even know babies were coming. I've included a picture of the litter as well as me holding one, camouflaged into my black hoodie.

Last week, we were able to obtain a new investigator, the one Elder Herem was very awkward with. It's been great getting to teach her and meet her better. We were able to have yet another powerful lesson with her on the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm pleased to announce that she is now on date to be baptized in February! Whoo! Haha, no one has seen Elder Herem happier than I have!

One evening, we had set up to teach a new convert who had moved into our ward (kind of). He's this 10 year old boy who really loves fortnite (some video game that came out after I left). This is about his only care in the world, and nothing else interests him. We sit down to have our lesson and we find out that his dad is also extremely anti social, and so was the member fellowshipper we brought. We very painfully staggered through the lesson. It was incredibly awkward and nothing we did could get the kid to sit up or take his face out of his hands, and we couldn't get the adults to say more than a few words. I suppose that being away from my own family in the Christmas season combined with lack of sleep and a few other things contributed to my emotional death shortly after. I became a broken man. We had to go back to the apartment and listen to a motivational talk while I sipped a glass of milk on the floor for like 7 minutes before I felt even a bit of my life return to me. It was rough, but I strapped on my big boy pants and we went back to the grind.

We got to teach one of our investigator families this week. They are among my favorites ever. They hail from the Caruk tribe. They taught us a ton of native American history and I felt so blown away as well as sad and mad at the past. They told us that they really do enjoy our message and can feel the spirit, but they have been taught to avoid organized religion because white pastors are the ones who murdered and stole their land back hundreds of years prior. I did my best to express my admiration and appreciation for them as members of the Caruk tribe. We then watched the Mormon Message "music of the gospel" to show them that we are different, and we are the Church of Jesus Christ, and that they don't have to give up any of their heritage to join the church. Now, with the immense studies I've done the last few days, I'm ready to go back and share more incredible things, especially how the Book of Mormon was written specifically for them and how God loves them. I can't wait. 

Last evening, I was whisked away from my area to go give a baptism interview. I guess I wasn't expecting to be antied? But the candidate for baptism whips out his health book which shows how green tea is important. The other elder face-palmed his head off in a "here we go again" type deal. I guess miracles happen when you have the spirit at your side! I took this man all through the Bible, explaining Law of Moses type stuff and how pork is healthy, but they were asked to abstain from it. Then I took him to modern times, talking about how the world and health books tell you it's perfectly healthy and recommended to have sexual relations frequently even as a teenager. He was appalled. I then taught him about sacrifice and how God loves us, and when we are willing to sacrifice things like our time so we can go to church, or our money for tithing, or our tea or so on, God will bless us forever. He was just confounded and gave in. Haha. My man is being baptized this Saturday. I was pleased to find out that in my absence, Elder Herem was on the grind and tracted into two new investigators! Wow! That's my son, everyone! 

That's about it for notable stuff this week. My last thing that I'd like to say is, let's try and remember the birth of Jesus Christ the entire year, not just in December. He's a big deal, you know! So don't get mad at me for wearing my nativity tie in June. Have a great Christmas, and don't take His name out of it! 

Eat on the run

Little Piggy in my jacket

My Nativity Tie

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