Monday, December 31, 2018

Officer, It Wasn't Me

So, there was I, Christmas Eve, exchanging two dollars for three hot dogs at a gas station at 9:25 PM. It was shortly after that the red and blue lights flashed. Elder Smithson nervously laughed as he drove us to a curb to await his fate. The officer wastes no time as he slips his way on down to Smithson's window, asking for his license.

Transfer emails have arrived. I will be staying, 2nd training a man named Elder Larsen. Elder Herem is off to work in a ward right next to Cheney. I'll miss him, but he's off to bigger and better things. Meanwhile, I still get my sweet apartment and car and ward. Whoo! 

This week was a bit of a slower one in terms of work. I guess that a lot of people have come down with a disease which has you periodically swap places with your bed and your toilet. Not sure why 5 different people at church informed me of this, but most of the people we work with have it. Anyways, Elder Muir came down with this sickness on Sunday, so I was told at 6:45 AM that I had about 10 minutes to get ready for the day and go to 8 1/2 hours of church. It wasn't so bad! Though towards the end of the day, I was almost delirious from fatigue, it was a blast! Many people excitedly shook my hand and welcomed me to the ward I was visiting. They even had me offer the closing prayer in sacrament. Wow. The highlight of the day was definitely when my favorite investigator, the 10 year old girl finally came to church! She came on the perfect day. We got to conduct singing time in primary. We had a blast, singing about Jesus wanting us to be sunbeams and being what we believe. The kids loved us! So that's about all the shareable stuff in regards to that stuff!

Boy oh boy. The other Elders set up an entire baptism and had me interview the guy the day before. I show up and find out that this man isn't actually eligible to be baptized, since he lived in the same house as his fiance! Dang. I break the news, and he just shrugs. We follow him out the door to his neighbors house, who grants him permission to sleep at his house for the next couple months. Like what? So anyways, this guy I've taught a couple times just got baptized! I was then asked to help confirm him at church the next day. He might as well be one of my converts.

Things are just really good these days. We have lots of work to do and some wonderful people to help. It's cold, but it's not that bad! We've been performing miracles left and right. I got to dedicate the sister missionaries brand new house, and I've never been able to do that before. It was cool to actually feel noticeably better directly afterwards. I've got my great family and a couple friends to talk to, each day the sun is setting later, and God's love is shining through. That's about all I've got to talk about this week. 

So anyways, this cop just slips his way over, explaining he followed for about a mile and we never had our back lights on. He let Elder Smithson off with a warning, then let him take a selfie with him! Like what?? Then he proceeds to accept a Book of Mormon. What???

One of the very few times we can play card games!

Awesome member mom made my request of 12 layer jello!

All things Rudolph

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