Monday, November 26, 2018

Oh Foggy Night, the Stars are Dully Shining

Well, I'll be darned. So, your trainer as an Elder is referred to as your Dad. Then, your first companion outside of training is referred to as your Mom. My Mom and my Dad are the Assistants to the President this transfer. I am no longer scared of the "AP"'s! Yes! 

This week contained one of my personal favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! Yes! But as a missionary, it's not super grand. Everyone cancels or just can't meet with you because they are getting ready for Thanksgiving or something. That being said, we did not wreck our shoes this week, going out on the grind hardcore (but work still did occur!). We were given permission to play board and card games on Thanksgiving day. I haven't played any games since the day I left, September 6th 2017. We went to a members home who had a violin and a piano, and they knew of our abilities. We played them a nice happy song. Then, I took the dad aside. "So, uh... we've been given permission to play card games, and I haven't played in almost 15 months." He warmly agreed, and then we played games with their family for over three hours. It was awesome, and I was so glad to have this tender mercy bestowed upon me. Too bad they didn't have the game "cover your assets", because they would have been annihilated. 

It has been foggy like no man's business lately. It's super odd because it's just not something I experienced back in Utah. We can see about 30 feet ahead of us at night time when we are driving. It's made for some interesting times, like the time we almost ran over the first wild porcupine I've ever seen. It is also something that I've found can be used to our advantage! People seem to be a lot nicer in these foggy nights. Last night, we had two hours to go out and find people. We drove far into the depths and knocked on a nice happy inactive family we didn't know about. They were a lot of fun to visit with. Well, we think they're inactive. They don't come to our ward. Who even knows. But then we traversed through the foggy night and found our way at one of those homes with huge driveways and no trespassing signs. But, it was such a nice happy home with its Christmas lights and everything, so you better believe we slopped our way right on over to his doorstep. After slapping our hand flesh upon that splintery door, a happy old man invited us right in. I was extremely surprised, receiving such luck two times in a row. Not only did he invite us in, but he sat through a mini restoration of the gospel lesson and then accepted a Book of Mormon and committed to read a chapter with Christ, despite hearing negative things about the book his whole life. We then set a return appointment after listening to 45 minutes of stories from his incredible life. What a great guy, and what a tender mercy!

If you know me pretty well, you'd know that I love to smell things. An incredible date for me could be having a meal and then going to Hobby Lobby to smell all the candles! Whoo! So when we went to Walmart in Colville, we came across these wonderful "totems", if you will, which spew divine scents into the air every 9 minutes. I bought one and then also grabbed three different scents, and our apartment has smelled like the celestial kingdoms bigger brother ever since. Boyz!!

I guess I don't have all that much more to say for this week. So here is a nice thought. If you lived in Jerusalem in the same time as Jesus, what would you do? Would you follow Him? Would you listen to His words? Or would you be content saying, "I live in the same city! It's awesome. He died for me." I believe if you lived in his time, you would go to Him every time He talked to groups of people, that you would listen to His words and try to follow Him, and do everything you can to show you love Him. Well, if you would have done that back then, what is stopping you from doing it now? John 14:21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

Quick Elder!  Make a face!

Cat Scarf

Have you come to play?

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