Monday, November 12, 2018

It's Freezing!

Alright everyone, first off, I goofed and said the wrong thing last week. We didn't read a book called Philippians, we read Philemon. I thought about that all week.

So, I've got my mother behind me all the way, searching left and right for anything to help me sleep. The latest idea is the possibility of me having celiac disease. She's suggested a gluten free diet. It's made for some interesting meals. I once made a cheese casidilla which I felt needed more, so I searched the fridge for some meat. I found my trustworthy hot dogs. I was about to slap them in when my eye grazed the cheese grater which had just served its purpose with my favorite, Colby Jack cheese. I shrugged my shoulders and grated a hot dog. My mother also sent me a snack chest full of gluten free snacks. The plantain chips weren't bad. I'm pretty proud of myself for eating those. I still feel bad not eating a plantain on multiple dates. At least my wonderful date liked them :) well, I scrounge my way through the box and come across an abomination known as cauliflower puffs. *shudders* They are like the telestial version of cheese puffs. I ate one and wanted to throw up. However, I'm not one to quit, so I ate that entire filthy sack of trash. I also ate something that I never thought I'd have again. I swore off peanut butter many many moons ago. Someone gave us a dessert which was basically just frozen peanut butter with nuts. It was quite a shock factor for me to eat that monstrosity. I'd like to continue not eating that ever. Well, that was a really long paragraph on just food. Let's move on. 

More good things are happening here in Deer Park, which I've affectionately named Beer Park. We went out tracting with minimal success. We also just ventured out on the grind hard. We visited a part member family and got down to talking about the good stuff. We set a plan to visit on Sunday at 7. We then slop our way on down to our friend we met at the chili cook off. She was very excited to have us visit her. I guess she is best friends with the previous family, and so she said she would join us as we go on Sunday at 7. We picked up two investigators within 10 minutes. It was nothing short of prime. Not only was it prime, we later found out that this girl would like to be baptized in February! Wow. We also got to hang out with my favorite investigator, the sassy 10 year old girl. She loves having us over, so it's a party. She will be on date for baptism next week probably (meaning she will have a date, not actually baptized.) Her friend was also there, and she loved learned about Adam and Eve and Jesus and stuff, so she said she was going to come to church with us! 

We got to visit the temple this week. It is always a great thing in my book. I have found myself happier than usual. I smiled through most of it and just had a really good time in the house of God. I guess I learned how to actually smile, as demonstrated by my new profile picture on Facebook. It's just great. I'm in a struggle for real, I won't act like it's all good things everywhere. I feel like I am fighting for my own sanity. Maybe that's why I'm so happy. I know that there's no way I can keep it up without Jesus's help. Ether 12:27... His grace is sufficient if you humble yourself and don't give up. Boys. 

We had a primary program this Sunday. It was really special, and it was all about being a child of God. It was really neat, every time before a kid said their part, they said "I am a child of God." It was really special. I am not one to cry, but this one nearly got me. I had to suck in my tears with my manliness. Good gravy though, that ending slayed. It started with the bishop singing the first two lines of the song "I am a child of God" with his two daughters. Then the rest of the primary kids joined in the next two lines. At last, the whole congregation joined and the spirit was so powerful. I had goosebumps traveling up and down my skin like no man's business. It is so special to know we are children of God. Most of the rest of the world doesn't believe it, and here are these 3 year old kids proudly singing it. It is incredible to know, and I often find myself in disbelief, wondering to myself why God cares so much to just keep helping me along in my constant struggles and my fight to be obedient. I am just left with the song "I stand all amazed". There isn't an adequate way for me to explain how blown away I am at the mercy, merits and grace of Jesus Christ. Like really, He is incredible and full of love and infinite patience.

That'll be enough cheese for this week. BYE!! 

Getting cold here

Just me and Donkey

Spokane Temple

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