Monday, November 19, 2018

Bye Son!

Slap me twice, transfer week is already here! I am devastated at the loss of my friend Elder Thorne. He will be extremely missed, being a true friend to me. I still remain with my son, being able to fully train him. Elder Muir also stays, being companions with a relatively new Elder none of us know. I also have reason to believe my first son has departed to the land of Madagascar finally! How exciting. 

Well. Deer Park certainly isn't a place I'd live, but things are picking up significantly around here, so I'll take being here another transfer. Why not? I get to keep my beautiful new apartment and Rav4. Should be good, boys.

So last P day, we joined a bunch of 18 year old guys for some serious two hand touch football. I quickly obtained for myself the nickname "Megatron". This whole time, I thought they were calling me one of those big TV screens at a movie theater?? I guess he is just some insane pro football player who just wrecks. That's nice. I did get some sweet plays in, for sure! It was just more running than any of us had done in a while. We hobbled around like old men with osteoporosis for a few days after that. 

That evening, we split and I was with Elder Thorne, visiting his favorite member family. There were a bunch of the people we played football with. We decided to share a lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did I know that we were dealing with a Jehovah's Witness and some non denominational Christians. I tend to be more bold when with members, and so I started wrecking all other religions by saying something along the lines of, "to have faith in Jesus Christ is to not only believe in Him but to follow His footsteps. We can't just say a prayer to accept Him into our hearts and then lead an entire life of sin, forgetting all about Him and then expect to be saved at the last day." We continued on and the kids got more uncomfortable until we asked them where they came from before they were born here. That's when I found out they weren't actually members. I initially felt bad for my boldness until I remembered something important. I am a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am not ashamed of Him. The devil would have us to sit back and remain in confusion to be politically correct. I am helping to gather His lost sheep, and in order to do that, I have to bring the true restored gospel back to the world! So we finished up the lesson and the spirit was present the whole time. Only time will tell if their hearts were touched. It's a lot easier to believe in a God and a Jesus Christ who require nothing of us, but a religion which requires nothing never has the power sufficient produce the faith unto salvation and life eternal.

We got to go have fun at the pig farm place again this week! Since Elder Thorne was on exchanges, I was the pig strategist. A good number of piglets had somehow squeezed through the fence, and don't ask me how, but one of the fattest lards this size of anywhere hopped a three foot fence surrounded in mud. It wasn't as easy because the other Elders are all city boys (not to say that I wasn't raised in a city, I just adapt well.) So they had a hard time helping me. After about an hour, I somehow managed to catch six pigs and the visiting Elder caught one. Before one of these attempts, I was standing on a pallet, getting ready to climb a fence. A sudden exertion of energy broke the board underneath me and my left foot painfully fell through. I honestly believed three of my toes were broken. My ankle was bruised and I had scratches everywhere. I groaned for a minute, and we continued on. I have sustained no major injury. I also had a standoff with a llama I wont talk about. Lastly, there is a goose which is always threatening to attack us. I usually chase it away. This day, I pursued it and chased it about 50 yards before it just plopped on the ground. I guess I tired it out and so it needed a breather. I picked it right up and took a picture! Whoo!

Boys, Elder Ruth's dreams are coming true! I finally get to teach an entire family. At least, the ones which are home! We've got the mom, a 20 year old and a 15 year old. We had the great chance of teach them the plan of salvation. It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever taught, as demonstrated by Elder Herem who got hyper off of too much spirit. Haha. It was an incredible one. I'm proud of him for getting so good so quickly. The family loved the lesson a lot! And so the three plus two young kids made their way to church this week. We had 4 people at church this week, which is a pretty big deal for us. Because of how well they took the lesson and their commitment keeping, I'll have Elder Herem put them on date tomorrow evening. Whoo! In other news, we also recently put our 18 year old new investigator on date. We're about to have 5 people on date, which is pretty unheard of for Deer Park. Things are happening and I like it.

So, yesterday, Elder Muir was sick. I'm not sure exactly why, but when someone gets sick, I am usually the one to stay behind and look over them. #DoctorRuth. So Elder Herem and Thorne went to 8 hours of church and like 4 lessons! Haha! Elder Muir was in bed almost the entire day. I was like, "Well. I could take a nap. But. Since I'm not doing anything important today, I don't have to be fully awake!" I went on a rampage. Not that our apartment was dirty, but I cleaned it to the max while listening to four different Hank Smith talks. I gathered all the trash, even the clutter in the other Elder's room. The bathroom was cleaned well, the kitchen was deep cleaned. I celebrated with a lunch of 8 crescent rolls while reading like 5 chapters in Alma, which is soooooo sick. I listened to a bunch of music while pondering, sat on the deck and watched cars lazily drift along. I even made a cake for everyone for when they get home. Though I was sad to miss church, I thoroughly enjoyed my full day off! Haha, good times. 

That's about it for this week. We received 3 new people to teach, currently have 2 on dates. I caught 6 pigs, one goose and one chicken. I've returned to my calling of District Leader and things are just jolly. Rest in peace, Elder Thorne! 

See, I'm the nice guy.

I caught the goose!

Caught another pig today

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