Monday, September 3, 2018

Elder Ruth's Year of Madness

What a week for you and me, but in this email, I won't be talking about your week, because, you know. 

So anyways, I have a new companion and I am really enjoying it. His name is Elder Stepan, pronounced like "I'm steppin up to the madness that is Elder Ruth." He is from Sandy Utah... But he isn't serving here! This man is headed for Madagascar! What the heck? He's waiting for his visa, and while he waits, I've been trusted with the sacred duty to train him. He's already pretty trained, I think, but we are still running through things and boosting his confidence on the streets and doing roleplays and all that awkward stuff. 

There was a day where a guy wanted us to visit him and share with him some scriptures in the bible. We were just too busy that day. We rode our bikes all over the place. On our way back, some members from Seattle pulled over and handed us a fresh Andrew Jackson! They asked us to go get some good dinner. We thanked them and slopped our way straight to the food trucks a little while away, which offered the food of legends. In the parking lot, we stumbled upon the guy we were supposed to be sharing scriptures with! Wow! We shared them real good, then patrolled the trucks, searchin for the dominant food. A cheerful girl greeted us from one of the trucks. We smiled and waved and continued on, because missionaries in public are kind of like celebrities when members see us in public. We were reccomended to go to a bbq truck by someone else. We order the food and the guy goes, "wait, are you the two I met last night?" Because other missionaries tracted into them. I got to share a brief spiritual thought and we were on our way when we decided to go talk to the girl from before. This girl is a member who has been inactive for 9 months. We both bore some pretty fat testimonies to her and got some of her info. She's YSA, so some other missionaries are about to go reactivate a pretty sweet person. I was so surprised at so many things which occurred just because we rode our bikes instead of drove.

I'm afraid it is time for me to now speak about my powerful trainee. On the first morning I had him, I had to send him to some other elders to babysit while I attended a training class for new district leaders. I learned a lot and had a good time and now feel sufficiently prepared to magnify my calling much more than the elders of my past. Well, I group back up with Elder Stepan who tells me that he had just tracted for six hours and loved it. Great Scott!! That's a serious long time to be tracting! Anyways, though he wasn't directly involved, he was present in finding a rad old lady who invited them right in. They then laid down some serious doctrine and set a return appointment. Thus, he helped them get a New investigator on his first day! Sheesh! 

This Saturday, we have the opportunity to have one of our investigators baptized! It's the crazy old lady who argued with me about circumcision. As crazy as she is, I've grown to really like her, she is a whole lot of fun. She has such a sweet spirit and she loves the gospel. It has been a pleasure working with her and I am proud of her.

Me and my boy Elder Stepan decided it was about time we visited a member who lives in an old people home. We asked our ward mission leader to come too. We show up and find her, and she is overjoyed to have us. We had some great conversation and arranged for her to have more people visit. We were about to leave feeling really good about ourselves when another old gentleman slides right into our DM's. He is a high priest and has had some serious sad things happening lately and he had really been hoping to have some visitors. He was ecstatic to hear about our holding of the Melchizedek priesthood. We slithered right into his room and talked for a while, having been his first visitors all month. We then got to give him a blessing. It was great and I am glad we were in the right place in the right time. Miracles are seriously happening left and right. If that wasn't good enough, we then went to an appointment and were gifted with some serious fried chicken! It was difficult to ride our bikes holding the goods at 8 pm, but we sure made it work!

So there's just a portion of the good stuff this week. It's been awesome and I love it. Man. Haha I am so opposite from how I was in December and January. I've come a long way in positivity haven't I? Well, I suppose that's what happens when you do something like hit your year mark. Mine is in three days. I never would've thought I'd go this far when I started. Keep on swimming. And gird up your loins! 

With my new companion

I post a "story" on Facebook a few times a week.  Are you able to view them?

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