Monday, September 17, 2018

Things Keep Looking Up

Another sweet week just slipped right through my fingertips. It doesn't feel like it was very long since last P day. Yet, here am I, ready to rumble and stuff.

So we've got a guy we've been working with for a while. He is pretty close to baptism. However, we weren't fully sure if he was accountable enough to do so. We summoned the Mission President over to meet him, and it has been determined that he can be baptized! Whoot. That'll probably be next Saturday. If we can just get him to recognize the word tithing, then recognize a picture of Joseph Smith and briefly talk about him, he will be fully ready. I'm pretty excited. I figure he is the reason I'm still in Coeur d'Alene. I've done a lot of stuff with special needs people in the past, so it must've been preparing me for this time. Well, I'm ready, so let's do this, boyz.

We went to dinner with one of my favorite member families this week. They are the ones who gave me the rungu and and spear from Kenya. Well, halfway through dinner, one of the boys whispers in his mother's ear and then slides away upstairs. Then he comes down with a rungu and what looks like a flute made of ebony. He hands the rungu to Elder Stepan who was understandably excited, and I get the flute. I curiously turned it around in my hands. This wasn't a flute, but it was cool, and there was what looked like a crack in the wood. It was no crack. I pulled it apart, and concealed in the wood is sweet authentic shank from Kenya. My words were, "Oh? What is--no way!" Ha, I sure was excited. I obtained a new weapon without even trying. 

We finally got to do my silly sleep study nonsense. I had a sensor on my finger and chest and then two lil pipes barely poking into my nose. I was told that if the first night the things don't stay on, tape them on the second night. Sure enough, when I woke up at 1 am, all but the chest sensor had escaped. I wasn't clowning around, so the second night, I strapped everything with duct tape. It hurt the next morning to peel it off my face, and I had marks from it for a couple hours, but the deed has been done! Now we just wait 5-10 business days from Wednesday and we will have... results... But some day eventually something will actually be done about this madness. Thank goodness, because it's getting bad.

We were asked to go visit a member who recently moved into a house with like 3 other people. (Fourplex?) Everything was fun and games until I realized where we were. We were walking into the home of the flakiest former investigator of all time! Well. We still taught the lesson to the member, and he was present for it and we accidentally repicked up this flaky son of a gun. It'll be good though. Perhaps this member living here will now make a difference. Anyways, we set a return appointment and he wasn't there. I'm not all that surprised. 

My favorite service opportunity so far surfaced this week. We were called along with the other elders of the area to go help at a furniture store which will be opening soon. We've ripped apart legions of boxes and I've coated in Styrofoam. We've also been able to put together hoards of furniture. Things are a little more difficult without using power tools, as displayed by my blistered fingers, but we've done a lot. I had great fun hanging out with good ol Elder Stewart and putting stuff together. Some of it required some fancy techniques but we were able to figure out all of the madness. The cool part is, the owners had been praying for some help and then they ran into Elder Stewart who offered it and then invited all of us over. We spent 8 hours total on multiple days doing stuff, and they are now going to be perfectly ready for their grand opening this week.

Things are just going really swell and I think I've been happier this week than I have been in a long time. One evening, I read a card from an old friend and it bummed me out pretty hard, but the next morning, I was back to my cheerful self. Things are going awesome left and right. Despite the insanity that happens often, things are just really good. We haven't had our car most of the week, so we rode bikes around 60 miles. It's the best. I love it. Being in leadership is really good, and things are just swell. That's enough happy weird stuff from Elder Ruth for one week. Just keep those loins girted.
Attack of the white stuff

Putting together furniture

'Nuff said

Sleep Study

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