Monday, September 10, 2018

Hostage to a Golf Course

Another great week went by with some serious sweet stuff. Probably the second greatest accomplishment of the week happened last week and I neglected to share the good news. That six pound bag of oatmeal I bought a while ago has finally been depleted! 

So anyways, there we were, just gliding across town on our bikes when a wrong turn has been made. I don't fully understand quite how it happened, but we ended up on a golf course and we had no clue how to escape. White balls of death were searing through the air, bringing with them the cry of imminent death. Luckily for us, we weren't wearing our thinking caps. For instead, we wielded our semi trusty bicycle helmets. A paved path twisted and turned throughout the depths of the course, allowing us to frantically peddle our way along, searching for an escape like a mouse trapped in a cage with a snake. Every time we thought we had found the way out, a new obstacle blocked our path. All we wanted was to be liberated, despite the kind manners shown to us by the golfers who launched white pieces of death into the skies with metal rods. After 10 minutes of panicked biking and numerous complaints from our Chevrolegs, we found an edge of the golf course where we were able to breach and taste the sweet air of the streets. What was even better was it was a mere two streets away from the home which we had worked so hard to find. We then got rejected by the home, but, you know. 

So I've got with me a companion who is being trained. I like him to go out and be as productive as possible. Another companionship in my district had someone needing to go to Spokane and they don't have a car. I gladly took the chance to conduct an exchange where my trainee Elder Stepan would have the chance to go out and tract for a while. Meanwhile, I'd be sitting through a doctor visit. We made our way down to Spokane for a visit which lasted five minutes and then cruised our way back up. It wasn't much later when the missions medical people started attacking, informing me to slop my way down to my doctor in Post Falls and sign some papers so my mother could speak with them. We made our way back down and finally got to set an appointment to end the terror that is my sleep madness. Today at 6, I can finally go in and get the sleep study stuff. Thank goodness because I slept like two sacks of trash last night!

Back in light of exchanges, one of my zone leaders was down for the count. They still had appointments to go to, so I offered up my son to go with my dad to appointments while I drove the sick guy to the doctors. After what felt like an entire hour of sitting around while learning about barracudas, he got in and out. We then got the marvelous chance to visit Costco. Those legal drug dealers informed us they'd need some time to formulate the goods. We took the time to raid the free samples and then sat on a leather couch for a short while. It was awesome! Once the drug lords handed over the goods, I explained how to use them before they did. They were surprised at my vigor, and even more surprised that I was exactly right. Dr Ruth, boys. Hire me. 

We were able to have another one of my grandma's baptized this week. (That's what I call the older women who love me oh so much). We waited around for 30 minutes for her friend to show up and then we got into it. She had chosen me to baptize her. I was smart about it this time and brought a change of underclothes. Next time I will be even smarter and bring a towel! It was really good and she was pretty happy to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. She and my other grandma have definitely shattered my old belief from the terror days of Spokane, which is that older people will never listen. She's such a great person. She even set us up with 46 packs of chicken flavored top ramen. That's how you know when it's real. 

So that's a portion of the week. Things are going great and the work is really picking up. I have a companion who is really great to be around, a district of awesome people and my zone leaders are the best. I hit my year mark and things are going so good. Plus, pumpkin flavored things have started appearing on the shelves. There's only a couple things that could make it better, but those things can wait until after I get home ;) 
Gird up those loins, boys. 


Mom is so funny

A picture from my Facebook story: Mosiah 13:5
The Spirit of the Lord was upon him; and his face shone with exceeding luster

Not my turn to be sick!

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