Monday, August 27, 2018

My Madness Finally Explained!

There went my last full week with Elder Glidewell. I received some information that I am very excited about. For a long time, I've been wanting the chance to train a new missionary. On Thursday, I will drive to Spokane and pick up my first son! Yes! I don't know his name or anything about him, all I know is I'm about to have an incredible time! I will be in Coeur d'Alene still. Should be awesome. Me and my boi are about to start doing great things.

This week, we were able to attend the baptism of a wonderful lady, the one I told the story of last week. Not that I ever disclosed her name because our handbook asks us not to do so (AHEM MY OTHER MISSIONARIES WHO SEND ME YOUR WEEKLIES) but I do feel sheepish. I've been spelling her name wrong this whole time! I got to play the piano for her baptism, and then on Sunday, I got to give her the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was my first time doing that. I afterwords asked her how she felt, and she said the moment I started speaking, she felt like she was glowing and she had a deep feeling of love in herself and she still could feel it. Having been confirmed like 11 years ago, I was very interested. Giving blessings makes my faith grow even more, and this was no excuse. 

I have an ongoing joke for my mission called "Elder Ruth the seer". I've been able to accurately predict many things. Either it is dumb luck or inspiration, but I was able to experience it again! We had one of our investigators at a members home. They had little kids, so I explained why we may have the rule to not play in the street. Yesterday, the kids received a huge lecture on that very thing. Then, in the church class I was absent for, because I was on splits, they learned about honesty, and I taught about why telling the truth was of vital importance. And these things happened back to back.

I got the chance to go on exchanges again this week. I got to be in the same apartment as my good ol trainer, Elder Stewart. Unfortunately for me, some crisis or something was going on, and he was the zone leader, so I didn't get to hang out with him at night time. Well. I still wanted to mess with him in some way, so I left a can of tuna on his bed. It wasn't opened, if that's what you're thinking. Then the next day, before I left, I put like five more cans on his bed. Anyways, back to the missionary work, we went on the grind for my first time in a while and did some serious missionary work. We were able to get his wards their first piece of success for about two and a half weeks! I was so glad to see that our work brought miracles! 

So, we have found the reason for the majority of the problems that I have with my life. I don't mean to excuse everything, but I hope this will bring some understanding to my madness. So! We went in to the doctors. They say that everything I describe points to sleep apnea. If this is the case, it is why I am always so tired. This being tired leads to being depressed. It also makes it difficult to focus, which explains why I struggled so much with math, even when I tried my hardest. The apnea also affects my decision making, so some of my dumb mistakes might not have happened if I wasn't affected, and I've had these issues for a little longer than two years. I am beyond excited to have been given a name to my ailment. Because of this, we can treat it. I can't wait to not be tired, depressed and unable to focus! I am almost free:D we just have to wait like a week and a half for the insurance... :p

That's about it for this week. It was smoky most of the time. It's been affecting both of us with headaches and stuff, but we press on nonetheless. Things are going good. Also, I've been called to be a district leader. That is all. 

Our newest member

Keeping me company

Am I strong or what?!

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