Monday, May 28, 2018

What have we to do with thee?

Man, one family really came in clutch for dinner one evening. We showed up at their beautiful home in the mountains. They said that we get to cook our own dinner, then handed us some steaks. I couldn't believe it. I'd never grilled a steak before, but it ended up being one of the most prime steaks I've ever had. That was one of the best starts to my week I have ever had! 

My wonderful companion is so sick right now. He claims he is doing great, but that man is coughing up a lung all day and night if no one else is around. His coughing actually merged into my dreams one night. Anyways, after me rebuking him along with four others, we finally convinced him to take a sick day. That was pretty cool. I did some serious listening to Hank Smith and napping and just recovering from a pretty insane workout I did the day before. He is now back to the grind after one day, coughing potentially worse than he was last week. 

We found two new Investigators this week. It was really great. I also received a new grandma. I now have five grandma's in Coeur d'Alene who have my back. We gave the new grandma a blessing. I was pretty surprised, she said that after I anointed her that she already felt almost all the way better. Then she was fully pain free when we finished the blessing. It's pretty cool to see that God trusts us to lend us His power to heal others. We've been doing a lot of that recently. 

Have you ever seen the video of Jesus healing a possessed man? It talks to him all creepily, then lunges at Jesus at then the man is healed. I had a dog that was absolutely not happy to see me. I got down and reached out my hand in an inviting manner. This son of gun wasn't having it, so he lunged at my hand which I pulled away. As soon as he came in contact with my leg, all hostility left and he happily let me pet it. That was cool, it was almost exactly like the video. I guess I've got some serious angels looking out for me because dogs don't just turn friendly milliseconds after attempted finger theft. 

I enjoyed my companion exchange this week. I was with a guy from the lovely town of St Maries, but in my own Coeur d'Alene area. He was scared at first to be my companion because he thought I was just some silent angry guy, but he essentially said that I am like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. I was thoroughly amused by his compliments. We are basically best buddies now. One of our lessons canceled on us, and we had no plans for the rest of the evening, so we rebuked laziness and got on the grind, finding our way into four different homes to teach a lesson. It was one of my favorite exchanges. 

I have access to Facebook, and I really want to make some more videos. I did one on Mother's Day, and that was neat. Now we struggle to come up with ideas. I'd really like to make a video answering gospel questions. If any of you read this, please send any gospel questions you can think of my way, and we will study up and try and answer them on Facebook. Hit me up! Anyways, it was a pretty good week and Coeur d'Alene is the promised land (in terms of missionary work, that is).

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