Monday, May 7, 2018

A Good Week

One of our guys this week called us over to help him. He needed help loading a trailer and then hauling it off to the dump. It was fun and games until we found out he didn't have a back on the trailer to prevent things from coming out. I was in the passenger seat and had multiple people inform me that stuff was falling out the trailer. It was pretty embarrassing, especially since I couldn't do anything about it. We banished the remaining goods in the bog of eternal stench, also known as the dump, then drove back the same route. We found just two or three small pieces of wood on the road. Other people must have come and picked up more wood, because those people who were yelling at me had much vigor.

Elder Stuart is a new district leader so he needed to go get trained. I got to be in a trio with my past companion Elder Carson and one of my role models, Elder Mohler. I had so much fun going around with them. Our first lesson was just amazing. I loved it. We went into a dark room where a shirtless man was laying in bed. We asked if we could turn the lights on, but he said he'd rather we didn't. We then sat on the ground of his messy bedroom and got to work teaching about the priesthood. He was probably taking some serious notes on his phone since he was on it the whole time. We also had another appointment on the messy floor of another guys bedroom later on. It was actually a pretty good one. I'd love to have a investigator like that guy. Overall, it was great and I found myself smiling most of the day. 

I ate a new vegetable this week. I thought it tastes more like a fruit. It is the rhubarb! I don't know if you've ever had one, but they are basically going to make your face suck itself in from the amount of sour that lies in wait. You best be dipping that son of a gun in some sugar or you'll be paying the price. 

I had the chance to give one of our guys a blessing this week. It was a great opportunity and I was grateful. It makes me feel good to see the power of God manifest in me because of my faith. The blessing was just super cool, and although I hardly remember the words, I know that he kept telling me that it was exactly what he needed, and I am so smart. I kept explaining to him that it had nothing to do me me, but that didn't stop him from hugs and not drugs. Seriously, he's been sober for like a week now. 

We went on splits one day to each ward. I had the chance to teach an investigator couple and their daughter. I guess I was aware that the woman was a published author, but I didn't know that she was as famous as she is. She supposedly has millions of followers on Twitter, and she's published 14 books! Wow, she's pretty cool. She and her husband are the ones on date for the 26th. Her daughter actually became an investigator that day. Then, while I was teaching them, Elder Stuart split off and also gained a new investigator. It was pretty neat. 

I also went on exchanges on Friday. It was a bit of a drag because every appointment including dinner cancelled on us. That's why we had scalloped potatoes. I also made myself some eggs and decided I needed salt. I found black salt in the pantry? When I poured some on, legions of salt demons escaped the container and started a battle with my eggs. I stepped in before any fatalities and scooped most of it out. Those eggs were salvaged. 

The thing I thought was neat about the exchange was the next morning. The zone leader asked me where we should go out to tract. After studying the map, I chose an area. We went to it and found three new investigators in a family. It made me feel so great! I learned yesterday that they are now on date. Wow.

It was overall a really good week. The weather was great and the work was even better. Now if only it wasn't all stormy the one day we can go play... 

Cookie Monster ice cream makes everything better

At a dinner appointment

Coming back from the dump

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