Monday, June 4, 2018

Goodbye, Elder Stuart!

We got transfer calls. I get to stay here for a fourth transfer and Elder Stuart is headed to Canada. What a swell week. We have been just full of appointments the entire transfer and so we have been not able to drive the car super far. We had a lot of miles left over at the end of the month, so we decided to go where no missionary from this area had ever gone before. It was a boon adventure! It was a lot of fun. We drove like an hour and a half away down to the furthest reaches of the lake to try and find people to teach. One person was a potential investigator who is a snowbird, so they weren't home. While I had Elder Stuart write a note for them, I learned that I am strong enough to lift a Corolla off of its wheels. Boys. 

We also found a pretty neat potential investigator on the search of a member who moved a while ago. He has a dog that attacks rocks? He threw some rocks for us to see. That son of a gun leaps through the air and catches them in his teeth and chases when you throw them. We traveled around the boons and explored three times this week.

Two of our on date investigators dropped us this week. They explained that they couldn't believe in a God who would tell them that they can't drink beer. They also lied about the content of a video we showed them, which shows how God's commandments are given out of love and keep us safe. Maybe they'll come around eventually, but for now, rest in peace. I was incredibly amused because later that day, we got two new investigators who are actually pretty solid. Nice!

One of our new investigators is so funny, I love this man. He's got some shaggy hair and a beard, so you can't really see his mouth. But whenever you say something he agrees with, his eyes beam and he gives you a double thumbs up. We brought him to church yesterday and he had a good time. Elder Stuart was on the stand getting ready to speak and the investigator had to bail for an emergency bathroom break, so I shot Elder Stuart a peace sign and bailed. He ran off the stand because he didn't think it was in line with the rules for me to be away. We're not really sure? 

Man, two of our investigators are neighbors. One is a girl, so we teach her on her porch. We were just minding our own business with her when her neighbor staggers over, drunker than ever. He didn't even recognize us! But he kept inviting her to the bar, and we were like, "go home! You're drunk!" We eventually told him we'd be over at his place in 5 minutes. He staggered away and forgot about us, so we returned to our lesson. 

We got to go to the Temple this week. I normally end up in the back, so by the time I get into the celestial room, everyone else has been there for a while and wants to go. I made sure I was in the second row. Yes! It was a really spiritual experience for me and I learned some way sweet stuff. It's always a good time when we get to go to the Temple. Afterwords we went to Costa Vida, where missionaries get 60% off food. I was so excited that I got two enchiladas and a tres leches. So good! 

Bowling on P-Day

Good Stuff

Spokane Temple

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