Monday, May 14, 2018

A Two For One (darn)

Hey, it's me! Me had a swell week. Here are the spicy details of me week.

So we've got that kid who I've been carefully crafting lessons around video games for. He has kind of been on date for a while, but unofficially. He can't be baptized unless he says he wants it because his dad is a bit against it. Well, we taught him a pretty sweet lesson with the help of some members and somehow got him to say that he does want to be baptized! Our bishop was so excited! I guess that bishop is one of the only people the dad is scared of, and so bishop said that if the dad still disallows it, he will go to the dad and rein fury until he allows it. I am excited for the little guy. I may have to miss it unfortunately. His date is currently June 30th so he can be baptized with his younger sister.

There is a question that as a missionary, I really don't like to hear. That question is "how are we saved?" It's pretty typical Mormon anti because we have it drilled into our heads that we are saved by grace after all we can do. We were invited to a wonderful couples home who became two great investigators this week. The wife started things off with that unoriginal question. Other people don't have the knowledge we have with salvation, so this is why they fight. I explained to her that there is no way we can be saved except through the grace of Jesus Christ. No amount of works will ever save us from our sins. She was so surprised. She had nothing to say, so we continued on to teach the plan of salvation and taught her all about heaven. Sure, we are all saved. We will all be resurrected and receive a perfect body and get to be in heaven. What part of heaven just depends on our commitment to follow Jesus Christ. She then hit us up with, "prove it with the Bible and not your book." We wreaked havoc with 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and also explained baptisms for the dead with it, too. It was pretty fun, actually. They were so blown away with our ability to answer questions no one else could that they invited us back to play "Ticket to Ride". Anyways, they are now sincere and can't wait to have us return and teach more about the gospel. 

I had corn on the cob for the second time this week. It kind of makes me bummed. I had a girlfriend back at home whose wonderful grandma I really liked made me a special corn on the cob. I regret not even giving it a try. Anyways, these days, I'm eating corn on the cob with the best of them. I had a full ear of corn. I also had something which id never touch back at home, chicken Alfredo. The mission really has changed my tolerance for food. It's pretty interesting to me how much "nasty" stuff I can now eat without a gag.

I went on exchanges this week back to the mystical land of St. Maries. I got to drive a 2017 red Tacoma all across the dank plains of northern Idaho. It was pretty fun. The people here are all professional drivers and so they get mad when you drive around bends too slowly. I went with the flow and drove at like 65 mph across the bends. My extensive Mario kart practice made me perfect for this moment. The St. Maries' apartment has a few unwelcome visitors. We actually caught one mouse while I was there. I was also visited by a spectral being while I slept. It pressed down the bed next to my foot and kinda slapped the door a little bit. I looked over at my companion who was fast asleep, shrugged my shoulders, and went back to sleep. 

In St. Maries, there is a mentally ill man who roams the streets while yelling all day every day. He has been to jail for murdering a couple people. They just didn't keep him because of his mental illness. Anyways, I've heard of him my while mission, but I finally got to meet him. He called us over and started asking about what fiction means, and then what a false prophet is. He went on to explain that there were false prophets after Jesus died. They killed Jesus, and then they killed Elvis. Then Michael Jackson is somehow a false prophet? I don't really know. Anyways, he thanked us for our time and gifted us with two brand new fishing lures. Sweet!

While we were walking, a car drove up to us and rolled down the window. "We are the breakfast ministers!" They say as they reach out to hand us two trays of food. "There's a bench over there. Go sit down and enjoy." They drove away and I never saw them again.

My mission has now been approved to use Facebook. We just didn't receive any training on what to post and stuff. I'm sure we will come up with some pretty unconventional stuff. Go ahead and send me a friend request if you'd like. I can't look at your stuff. But you're welcome to look at my proselyting efforts!

We had two kids baptized this week! It was really good and they are so happy they finally got to be baptized. Now if only their mother didn't get sick! They couldn't come get confirmed and receive the Holy Ghost yesterday! Oh well. 

Well, to the subject of the email. We've lost two of our on date investigators! (Kind of) they both moved. One is still getting baptized this Saturday, and we will get to attend. So that'll be nice. The other is close enough to us as well. Once he overcomes his word of wisdom, he will be baptized too. I'm excited. It's cool to see all these people come to Christ. I've now been a part of 5 people being baptized.

So that was the week! Finished it off with a good ole video chat to my family. It was great. I've run out of stuff to say. 

Mother's Day!

Riding Along


I'm gonna bug him

Does this make me look cool?

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