Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Deep six em" ~anonymous ward member*

*translation:  The end of an old life and the start of a new life. Ye must be born again.  To baptize.

One morning, my normal bowl of cereal wasn't quite enough to cut it. I decided I might as well eat the last hot dog we had, too. Little did I know that when we'd finish pulling a guys weeds in the afternoon, he'd be grilling up hot dogs for our lunch! Two in a row boys, two in a row. I didn't have it in my mind at all that for dinner, we'd be served some grilled up hot dogs. I ate those frank's for every meal! If that wasn't enough, it's what we had had for dinner the night before. That might be why I only ate one hot dog that night.

Anyone familiar with Harry Potter 7? In that book, they all go into someone's basement or something and it's full of spiderweb or something like that. Then the lady turned into a snake I think? Anyways, we ventured to the depths of this cold dark house to restore water to her pipes. Little did we know that this is where cobwebs go when they die. I couldn't believe it, I thought I was walking through Ronald Weasely's worst nightmare. It was pretty unnerving, especially when I didn't do anything wrong but a gust of air still blew a massive web right into my face. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife. We got the water pipes working, but it was just incredible. I needed Princess Tiana from princess and the frog to sweep up all these webs. 

On one day of our never ending adventure, we were headed over to go see some 13 year old kid in an apartment on a whim. We cut across a grass ditch and before disappearing behind the sight of a building, a man yelled, "I see you two walking. Yeah, you can't hide from me!" We walked like 30 yards away to talk with some man on the other side of a chain link fence. He told us to wait right here and he'd ride his bike around the block to get to us. I hid my phone and wallet just in case. Turns out, he was with his ex-girlfriend just 15 minutes before, and she was saying that she really needed missionaries to pray for her. He gave us her number, we called her up and it was awesome. That's a classic example of being led to the right place at the right time to fulfill His work. 

People this week were pretty on top of cancelling their appointments. One guy was sitting outside his porch smoking. He said he really didn't feel good today. Four other appointments already cancelled, so we disagreed with him and sat down. We prayed, read some scriptures, and then left him. He said he actually felt a little better after we read with him. It was great to stick it to Satan. 

Our wonderful investigator, the one who was going to sell his truck and go homeless was baptized this week! It was such a neat baptism. I've never thought that someone looked different after this sacred ordinance, but he was just beaming and looked so great. Then when he was confirmed in church and received the Holy Ghost, he stood up and in an outside voice using his thick accent, he went, "wow!" Haha this man says that he has never had a spiritual experience in his life. We just ended his streak. It was such a blessing to work with such an incredible guy as him. 

That's about all that I have to share currently. There were other lessons and adventures, but they didn't make the cut today. Have a pretty nice week everyone. 


Dr, but not for me!


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