Monday, March 26, 2018

Open Up In The Name of the Lord!

As funny as I think it'd be, I didn't say that subject line to an investigators door. Actually, we weren't thinking and locked our keys in the apartment. This was Saturday, and the property managers don't work on weekends. We figured it didn't matter, we still had three hours to go out and do some missionary work. One of the things we did that day was have dinner with a wonderful older gentleman. He has a very small apartment, but loves the spirit we bring, so he invited us over for dinner. We had a great discussion in his cramped apartment. He is a good man and I enjoyed it. We then had a simple dinner. He was so glad we brought kool-aid with us. He let us have some of his birthday cake for dessert! When we were saying goodbye, he gave Elder Stuart a hug. I got a hug too as well as a bonus kiss on the cheek.

After a bit more work, we headed back home, where I received a memory from my past of shenanigans. I used to be really good at getting into a locked door using only a card. After like 10 minutes, I realized that we needed to receive some celestial intervention. I said a prayer calling on the Lord, knowing if He created the door, He could get us in. I then cried, "Open up in the name of the Lord!" Shortly after, we were relaxing in the apartment, sipping kool-aid and rejoicing. 

It was another pretty great week for us. I had a blast running around, even with the random hail and snow and all other manner of treachery. The weather was more bipolar than Utah. I was in a coat and thermals. We went into a home to teach one of my kids using video games. It was so much fun. It took me an hour, but I created a lesson explaining the gospel of Jesus Christ using Mario Kart. He kept saying how he never understood anything until I integrated video games into my teaching. It's great using them for him! I also have a lesson plan in the works to teach him the word of wisdom using regular Mario. He's going to be baptized on June 30th or even a week or two prior.

Our investigator I had the chance to baptize last week has a daughter we have been working with. After having a great lesson with her, we committed her to be baptized on April 14th by her dad. I've never seen that girl so happy. It's pretty rewarding to see her turning around just like her dad did. 

I've been working hard, and I reached a new record. It was really hard, but I reached a new record of 70 consecutive push ups. The next day, our mission president's wife showed us a workout app. Basically, I pushed myself when I was already sore, and now, five days later, I'm still dead.

I finally got to share my Rubik Cube testimony in church. I'd share it here, but I guess it's already in my blog. It was fun sharing, and I had a bunch of people come up to me afterwords. All in all, it was a really good week. I did get thrown back into a flaming furnace, but I'm more positive this time around. Let's get lit.

Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure!

Boxing Donuts at the Food Bank

Our Easter Egg from home!

More Rain


A treasure find

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