Monday, March 12, 2018

I Didn't Grab No Shoes Or Nothing

This week, I've been inside of a refiners fire. It actually got so hot that I became numb to it. I want to start off with saying, I am now so much better! I just needed to continue moving on, knowing that everything happens in the wisdom of who made all things. It started off with one of my best friends, Elder Warnick. Things were happening, and Salt Lake determined it'd be best for him to finish his mission in Utah. It was really hard knowing I couldn't help him, but I'm so glad that he gets to be in a better place now. 

I'm now in four wards, and they are very spaced. The other two are on an Indian reservation. I guess they don't like missionaries because we think we know about them. In our defense, I heard a story that their ancestors buried their weapons and entered a covenant of peace at one point. Sounds like the Ammonites to me. Anyways, it's a bit dangerous there, since Elder Hess found a scalp on a stop sign. 

Remember the kid I taught the Zelda lesson to? We finished up that lesson with a Plan of Salvation chart which he put together first try rather quickly. I was so impressed with him! He has come so far from when we first met. He is now set to be baptized in June. I don't think I'll be here for that, but I'm glad I got to participate in teaching him. 

I'll talk about my rubiks cube testimony soon. I wasn't able to share it, but I will soon, and then I'll tell you guys. I'm excited, it's a pretty good parable I think. But I now can add to it. My temporary companion has a cube he has been trying to figure out for quite some time. I requested to use it and found out that it was unsolvable because he switched some pieces around. We worked together and fixed it, and now it's how it used to be. That has a lot to do with it. 

On Sunday, I was in another ward in an apartment like an hour away from mine. That apartment actually needs to have the bathroom door open, because if not, it gets so cold that the pipes will freeze. When I woke up, I was very cold and so I was anxious to go take a warm shower. I grabbed all the goods and burst into the bathroom. After a good warm shower, I realized a critical mistake. I left my towel in my suitcase. I had to spend the next 5 minutes trying to brush off all the water I could. I then took a small washcloth and used it to dry myself to the best of my ability. I ended up dry but cold. Ripped off.

I went to Winco for the first time. They have the most glorious thing I've seen in Idaho. You just go and put chocolate in a scale and then buy it by the pound. I bought half a pound of chocolate kisses and pretzels. So great!

That's about all I have for this week. I was greatly afflicted, but I bore my time of pain well and am now doing great.

Because why not

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