Monday, March 5, 2018

A Week Inside

A portion of my week was spent inside. Some stuff was happening with my companion, so we couldn't really go out and teach. But there's still a few things we got to do!  Since I've been sitting around inside, I've gotten really good at that Rubik cube. I now have the algorithms memorized and can do it rather quickly. My fastest time is one minute and 3 seconds. That cube has been mastered. 

One family had us over for dinner and made us spaghetti. They said, "We wanted to give you something you probably don't have often". I was grateful for the dinner, but incredibly amused as well. That's one of the most common things. Anyways, another family made us clam chowder. I've never liked the smell or taste of seafood. I said a prayer to help me tolerate it, and it actually wasn't bad! I might add, I was called on to say the prayer at all of these dinner appointments, and even in sacrament. What's going on. I ate a ton of salad this week. The veggies are starting to really not stand a chance against me. If you know me, you'll know how incredible that is. 

We taught an 11 year old the Plan of Salvation. It took me an hour, but I made an entire lesson revolve around the newest Zelda game, Breath of the Wild. It was amazing! He paid attention the entire time! And he said Ganon represented Satan before we mentioned it! It was a way fun lesson to teach. Thank you, Nintendo.

On one if the days where we stayed inside, we got two new investigators. Pretty crazy. One was a referral from other missionaries, and he's even on date to be baptized! The other was the kid for the Zelda lesson. I was so surprised that a day of nothing yielded so much success.

Throughout this week, I was getting incredible headaches. I was pretty surprised and glad when I realized what was causing them. I don't like hearing people sigh deeply, but it doesn't bother me too much. My companion wasn't feeling well at all, and so he'd do three of them in a single minute, consistently throughout the day. It would irritate me and so I found myself leaving to go to another room and dwell on it. The negativity would give me huge headaches. Once I made the connection, I made a goal to be more patient. I haven't had a headache since! 

That's about all I have to share. Hopefully we can go out and do more this week!


Snow, because why not

They have weird snow

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