Monday, March 19, 2018


It has been said that miracles come after the trial of your faith. Last week was extremely tough and everything was on fire. So many things made me want to drop, but I pressed on trusting in the Lord, creating the most successful week of my entire mission. I'm so glad that I listened to the council given to me, to hold on a little longer. Now, here I am with a great new companion and three people on date to be baptized, three new investigators, one baptized and confirmed, and more. 

We received a referral on Monday, so we went out to meet him on Tuesday. We had a very spiritual first lesson. It was so neat. I recited the first vision by memory and felt three waves of goosebumps overcome me. We set him on date to be baptized for May 19th, but will probably have his baptism sooner. We met him again later and gave him a blessing to help overcome smoking. He showed up to church, along with a woman who hasn't been in 8 years. It was so good, and everyone at church fellowshipped him to the max.

I got to meet with the guy baptized on Saturday earlier in the week. He said he was praying long and hard and couldn't get me off his mind. He was so grateful that I cared about his 11 year old daughter and could make her smile, and so he asked me to baptize him. His daughter was stuck elsewhere and wasn't going to make it to his baptism, but she prayed like crazy and got out two days early, arriving just in time! It was incredible, and she told me she wanted to be baptized. I told her that in a couple months, her dad can be the one to do it! 

On a less serious note, I embarked on an exercise nightmare. I got on a stair with my heels hanging over and got on my tip toes. I went up like this. ( 1. 1 2. 1 2 3.) And so on until I hit 13. I could barely move for the next three days. Rest in peace, my calves.

When I was in the MTC, I was playing four square, waiting in line. Some guy accidentally body slammed me to the ground. I was so shocked that he hit me as hard as he did, I stayed on the ground and stared at him in disbelief. My face scarred into his memory, and he knew he'd be my companion some day. He recognized me when we formally met on Thursday, and now I'm with Elder Stuart! It's been great so far.

I am still coughing, six and a half months after leaving the MTC. I was speaking with the mission nurse, and she prescribed me some medicine which should help me. I am so glad to say, in a week and a half, I might be free from the madness. Thank goodness, praise the Lord. The church is true!

This email is getting a bit long, so I'll call it here, but it really was a great week, and everything turned around. Thank you, everyone who has showed that you care! I really appreciate every single email you send me. 

Pool on P-Day

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