Monday, April 2, 2018

The Will of the Lord

This week has taught me a pretty significant lesson, which is "not my will but thine be done." Various things have occurred which have proved Christ's words to me. One day, we were called to a hospital to see a man who was likely on his deathbed. With prayer, we arrived within 10 minutes but didn't know where to go. The spirit told me that he was going to die. We found a janitor instantly who pointed us to the other building. We sprinted across and got to an information desk, where we were escorted to the critical care unit. We got in and found a man who wasn't in great shape. After talking to him and learning more, we gave a blessing to the man. I anointed and Elder Stuart blessed him. He was blessed with faith and given the promise he would have his family, but Elder Stuart was constrained not to heal him. We never heard the outcome, but I think I know. I'm grateful God has comforted me, allowing me to know that everything is done in His wisdom. I don't have to sit around and beat myself up. We did what was needed, which was to provide comfort and help his family better understand the Lord's will. 

The other thing which taught me was the announcement of another temple in Utah. The first minute I heard this, I was upset. We already have so many temples, surely some other state or country would benefit more. However, I continued to listen to our modern prophet, the mouth piece of God, and I know that this is the will of our creator.

On a lighter note, we had a great week! We had a church party on Friday. The theme was 50's 60's and 70's. There was lots of karaoke music that people were performing. After eating my double cheeseburger, they forced me and Elder Stuart up. We couldn't sing their music because I'm unfamiliar with the 50s and 60s, and it's not approved church music. We instead blew everyone away with a duet of "A Child's Prayer". They turned the lights off and people waved their flashlights back and forth to the song. I took the high part and together, we rocked the house. One of the biggest bursts of applause I've ever earned. What a fantastic night.

One amazing fanily invited us over for Easter. They hid 250 eggs for everyone to find, and they told us to not go easy because they don't want their kids having too much candy. I leisurely walked and found 54 of the eggs. Boyz. I got set up for Easter! We then got to share an Easter message of Jesus's love for everyone. It was really spiritual and I'm glad to call him my brother.

We got to teach my favorite kid again. It was such a good lesson. I drew up a good picture and diagram and taught the Word of Wisdom using Mario Bros. His mom is so grateful because missionaries in the past have never been able to help him understand the gospel. It makes me so glad to have had the Lord inspire me to teach with video games. His mom had me sign the picture I drew for them. So funny! 

Another lesson we taught went pretty grand. A woman was saying she couldn't join the church because the word of wisdom. She said it's too restricting and is like bondage. She needs her coffee every morning or she is a monster. I told her that her coffee is putting her in bondage, and then she had her epiphany. It was pretty great, and she was a good sport about it. She wants to try and prove she doesn't need it to function. This is the only thing holding her back from baptism. Let's make it happen!

One day, I wanted to fill my bike ride up a bit, but it requires a special pump. The other elders had one at their apartment, and so we headed over. When we were almost there, we witnessed some man abusing his girlfriend. He angrily left and she was shaken up. We were able to help calm her down and talk to her. We also gave her some water and arranged her a ride to get back home. We then later found out that she was previously interested in the missionary lessons, and she's in our ward! So there you have it. My bike ride wasn't fully pumped so we could help a girl and receive a new investigator. 

That's all I've got for this week. It was really good. Follow the prophet.

P-Day with the Elders

Just in case

Word of Wisdom via Mario

From my Mom

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