Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Photo Dump

Elder Ruth had issues with the computers/camera over the past few weeks and today he was able to send pictures!  So this post is going to be a photo dump.  Enjoy!

Volunteering at the bike shop

Practicing for a Musical Number

Pretty Kitty!

Came across this one while out tracting

So we built our own Snowman

With the Sister Missionaries

Made a turban out of a scarf we got

Elder Stewart wanted a picture, too

We help this lady often.  She's pretty neat.

Elder Ruth and Elder Stewart

Turkeys wandering around like they are all that

Christmas FaceTime!

Christmas Facetime!

Selfie at Christmas

Elder Ruth and his Delsym

Ramon Notes! *not to be eaten*

Christmas Treasures.  I don't recall glove-guy-name.  (Accidentally) got 2 ornaments, Mario figures and Helaman

Drawing of the violin

Speaker from Santa!

Cool looking dogs safely behind a fence

Christmas Loot

Not happy with the snow

Behold: snowy roads, again!

Pit Bull loves Elder Carson

Went to Walmart and couldn't decide which soaps to buy so he got them all

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