Monday, January 15, 2018


Back at home, I was under the impression that milk was kind of expensive. However, last week, I took the time to see how much milk actually costs. It's $1.98. Are you kidding me?! You better believe we bought two gallons of milk and one gallon of chocolate milk. We feasted like none other than kings.

One of the days, we were tracting at an apartment which bans soliciting. We don't solicit though, we just offer free service and teach people about Jesus. We knocked on one man's door. When he saw our name tags, he lost it and threatened to call the police. He also told us to not bother his neighbors, either. We left him and he went back inside. We knocked the doors underneath him, and he came out again and showed us that he was on the phone with the police. I decided it would be better to just leave, even though we weren't doing anything wrong. Lesson learned, when we go back, do not knock anywhere near his door.

My dad liked making me soft boiled eggs at home. When he did, he would do four at a time. I had a realization that I no longer had to be bound by such shackles. I cooked up seven eggs and it was marvelous.

We received one new investigator this week. He is a man who lives in a school bus in someone else's backyard. I felt really odd knocking on a school bus door, but he seems fairly interested, so I'll talk more about it later. All you need to know is, he is a pretty sweet guy.

I had one new food today! Brussels sprouts. It was actually grosser than I had always thought they would be. I ate half of one, then grabbed the other off my plate, hid it in a napkin, and threw it away an hour later at the church building. 

We received smart phones this week. I am actually really enjoying it. We have an area book which we record how lessons go with investigators, and it also has addresses and phone numbers and tons of valuable information. We have been working hard this week to put all of the information into the area book app on the phone. It is a bit tedious, but it is already paying off tremendously. When I received my phone, someone was like, "Whoa! You have like the most durable case there is!" I looked at the phone, put it on the ground, and then slid it across the entire gym floor. That missionary who witnessed it was appalled. There was not a scratch.

The stories written as a novel have returned!

"Look out!" A freezing chunk of ice flew past my shoulder. I ducked behind the snow barricade. Across the way were three enemy fighters, ducking behind their barricades. The space between was rightly named No Man's Land. "We need to move, this is too dangerous!" One of the guys cried.

I attempted to stand up and swiftly dodged another chunk of ice. The cold air sent chills down my spine. Two more projectiles were launched towards me. I attempted to move away and kicked a large boulder. I ducked behind the barricade and loosed it from the ground. "Grenade!" I picked up the 5 pound boulder and hurled it behind me. The cries of agony from the boulder striking resounded through the air. I threw a second boulder, resulting in more screams.

"They're down, let's move!" My friend commanded. We hopped the barricade and ran through no man's land. "Flank him!" One of our men ran around their barricade towards the last remaining man. The enemy attempted to escape and tripped over the barricade, falling right in front of my friend. He grabbed a large boulder and held it over his head while yelling.
"Wait, this is--"

I was interrupted by the cry of pain from the final enemy, now defeated.

My first snowball fight since elementary school. I didn't regain feeling in my fingers until an hour and a half later.

We were recruited along with the rest of the missionaries in the zone to sing at zone conference. I don't have much to say about that other than it happened, and it probably wasn't great.

I was reading my scriptures recently and decided that Nephi is awesome. He is just so strong and full of faith. He has helped me see that positivity is really a choice. Nephi was on a boat he had to fight with his brothers to build. He was tied up by his own brothers for the space of four days. His wrists and ankles had swollen up terribly, and no one could help him. He had a wife and kids who desperately pleaded his brothers to let him go. He never complained, though. He knew that the bad things which were happening to him would be for his good and that it would help his brothers. Once he was let loose, he didn't hold a grudge, and he stopped the storm which had almost sank the ship. It surely was very difficult, but he had the faith to remain loyal to God. I hope I can do that in the face of adversity, too. 

Fluffy Dog!

Elder Esser and I on exchanges

Elder Ruth

Notice swollen gland? Hurts bad!  Waiting for the nurse to call back
Zone Conference.  Elder Ruth is on the far right side.

Silly Zone Conference Picture

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